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What are you working on? (Game Making Thread)

so right now I'm putting some finishing touches on my game's GUI (coded from scratch :shades) and working out how to incorporate user input. i'll probably end up making an array full of strings of all the possible commands, then make a for loop so that the game checks the user input and sees if it equals any of those commands. if yes, which one, and what will it do, if not, error message. something like that.

i'm making an old fashioned text-based adventure game, by the way.
Trying to think how I can make this battle system more interesting.

The concept is fun, and playing it itself is cool, but it just looks bland and uninteresting.


  • Animated sprites between lines
  • More graphics, such as icons on the buttons and such
  • Sound effects
  • Ambient music



I am not doing anything particular.
Still tring to get used to RMVX features and how they work. When I'll have more confidence with the engine and a decent knowledge of the scripting language, I might start working on some simple rpg projects.



looping a couple good chiptunes, drawing up a couple more character things before I get to spriting.

dreading tileset creation. might have to make things a little more derivative of existing works than I expected -- palettewise, at least. I am many things, but I am also colourblind.
Trying to think up a few event systems. Not going well. And trying to get the motivation to redo my cloyster of trials system. From memory. All I can remember right now is that states come into play. Oh and that the order of the event pages is important.
Downloading everything I can so that I will have enough material for the 25 hour trip to vietnam and vietnam itself...

my best is about 200 Kilobytes a second, and with the fact that I got 40 hours left, that's 200 * 60 * 60 * 44, divided by 1000 to convert into MB, meaning I possibly can download 30 gigs worth of shit left if I allocate all my downloading bandwidth for 44 straight hours...
I'm doing character concepts and a basic storyline for a new idea I got. Basically it's a the Wolf man, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-esque game. Also trying to see what battle system will I use?

Oh yeah, and working on my Triweekly game, but that's not important.

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