It would be good if someone could write up a tested experiment to show how good RGSS3 is, that might convince more people to move over.DJ":1zmhue71 said:Man, this RGSS3's performance is brutally amazing so far. It is obvious that it's accelerated by DX7.
( In contrast, RMXP uses crappy GDI+ which isn't even a engine )
But i still need to test compatibility with scripts since i found out applying this method to previous RMXP projects
gave me a shit soup of bug and errors.
Xilef":1vxokemg said:It would be good if someone could write up a tested experiment to show how good RGSS3 is, that might convince more people to move over.DJ":1vxokemg said:Man, this RGSS3's performance is brutally amazing so far. It is obvious that it's accelerated by DX7.
( In contrast, RMXP uses crappy GDI+ which isn't even a engine )
But i still need to test compatibility with scripts since i found out applying this method to previous RMXP projects
gave me a shit soup of bug and errors.
And GDI+ is closer to being an engine that DX7 is, DX7 is a graphics API standard with implementations for Windows as the DirectX driver, GDI+ is a graphics API for software rendering, so neither of which are engines.
On top of that, if the graphics rendering is handled in the DLL, then in theory we can write a hook to expose an OpenGL rendering path that would allow us to do some VERY fantastic effects in RPG Maker, along with an even faster render time, even multi-threading could be added.......Getting some ideas right now!
Must...Refrain from...Touching RPG Maker...
Yeah if you have a killer CPU and a terrible GPU (Or none at all) then GDI+ could in theory be faster than hardware accelerated graphics.DJ":36cl39vs said:Didn't knew some facts that you've said. I only thought the GDI+ is such a sucker on performance.
Oh, Yeah. I know that one too. And as far as i know, GDI+ can't take advantage of multi-core processors, So It depends on Clock speed.Xilef":14r4ptub said:Yeah if you have a killer CPU and a terrible GPU (Or none at all) then GDI+ could in theory be faster than hardware accelerated graphics.DJ":14r4ptub said:Didn't knew some facts that you've said. I only thought the GDI+ is such a sucker on performance.
Really? My video capture program detects it as DX7 application and acutally enables DX Capturing Functions.Xilef":14r4ptub said:Also, I just took a peak inside the RGSS301 DLL file and interestingly it doesn't touch DirectX at all for graphics, it still has GDI+ routines being called, so it looks like that RGSS301 is not actually using DirectX 7 to render, perhaps it is a requirement for audio playback or controller input methods, but it looks like there is no mention of DirectX APIs whatsoever. Or it could be that DirectX is delay-loaded, my tools are reporting that one unknown library is delay loaded.
I really want to write a wrapper DLL and start experimenting on hooking RGSS! If I could make a hooking DLL it could make it much easier (And faster) to write new Ruby modules in C.
Xilef":u6tnb9q4 said:The DX7 API is notably slower than DX9, so that wouldn't be explaining anything, however I once made an application that did hardware accelerated screen flipping but still used software rendering, I wouldn't be surprised if VXAce is doing this same, but I could be wrong and it could be using DX7 after all.
I updated my last post with some progress, this is all very early hackery and I might abandon this as I have other (Way more important) projects to do, in short I've got a hook between RGSS301.dll and Game.exe so it's set up to do some analysis, I might document my findings and let the next person continue with it though (RPG Maker really isn't in my interests anymore).
If someone were to document the RGSS methods/classes/functions basically any of the custom Ruby code, then I think I'd be able to write a new renderer in OpenGL, from what I can see right now it's very possible but what I'd be doing in the end is re-writing the RGSS301.dll, essentially removing the RGSS interpreter out of RPG Maker and shoving in a clean-room custom one, hey from what I've done so far it looks like we can even replace the scripting system with a totally different language like Lua or AngelScript.
Has no-one seriously investigated this before? I literally woke up at 5am, coded for 2 hours and already things look pretty simple from here on
Xilef":24toh37d said:Looks like someone documented the RGSS functions (They created a replacement engine for RPG Maker in Ruby)
Not to mention, trebor 777 also made an SDL Ruby RPG Maker interpreter viewtopic.php?t=15391
Good luck to anyone who attempts to take up the challenge.