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[VX] Party Changer



Also, sorry if its a bit of a noob question, but im kinda lame with applying scripts.

It says that you can change the party round and arrange it in the menu and that there should be an option, but my menu doesnt seem to have one, is there something i need to do or change to get that to work?
Make sure you have the Custom Commands script placed above the Party Changer (version 3.5) script. By default, you should have the Party option added to the main menu. If not, find this line; @menu_party_changer =
and make sure it's set to true.

I just noticed this script doesn't have a configuration module! :O Shame on me...
I'll update the script this week.



No, i just have your Custom Commands, LArge Party, and this script above the Main script.

I changed the window design but surely that shouldnt matter?



No, im pretty sure i didnt do that.

Ah man!

I'll keep fiddling about with it anyway see if i can get it to work

Not having the locked.png file wouldnt have anything to do with it would it?



If it IS the Window_Command though, what should the specified section read for it to be correct?? If that makes sense.
Not at all. For now, take a random image (a very small one), name it locked.png and place it in the Graphics/System folder.

Good news! I have uploaded a new version, 3.6, and I know why the commands weren't working. I have commented out the lines that were adding the commands. That's a tiny but stupid mistake of mine :P

Also, I have added a configuration module to easily configure the script.
Party Changer 3.6
I have reuploaded Locked.png

here it is!
Ok, I placed the new party change script 3.6 and after creating 3 parties (i'm playing the demo) and saving and loading i had, in sequence, those 3 problems:
a small one, since once i entered the house, i was back to normal, BUT
2)when i tried to change party pressing F5
3) but when i tried to load again, this message pop up:

i feel a bit sorry for knowing nothing about programming, since i would being able to help... hope those message help you...
The first 2 seems to be very minor bugs that can be fixed quite easily.
The third bug has already been fixed but the version is not available yet. I want to add the merging and trading feature first and fix these 2 bugs at the same time.

It should be out very soon!

take care
I have updated the script to version 3.7. This version adds a Custom Commands configuration module specific to the Party Changer. You can use it to add icons to commands that belong to the Party Changer script.

Take care!
I search a simple script that, included in the menu of the game, allow me to choose only 5 heroes to send in battle! But I can choose the heroes only if they were added to the party, if they weren't added to the party, they not appear among the selected, also one of the heroes (for example with id 001) can not be removed by the heroes that can be sent into battle! I do not know if you know "Sailor Moon Another Story" but I try to do the same thing! =) tnx
I'm not sure I fully understand what you're trying to say, but everything I understand can be done with the Large Party and Party Changer scripts.

To set the maximum number of actors the party can hold, esit the variables in the Large Party configuration module. It's all commented and well explained.

You want actors to be available in the reserve without adding them to the party? To do so, use the following line of code.
$game_party.add_reserve_actor(actor ID)


If you want to lock actors in the party or the reserve, use the following lines of code.
$game_actors[actor ID].party_locked = true/false

$game_actors[actor ID].reserve_locked = true/false


By default, the Party Changer and Party Arrange options are available in the main menu.

Tell me if I didn't catch something 'cause I feel like I'm missing something.



Hiya, me again!! Really enjoying this script but i've found one problem with it that i can't seem to get rid of.

Basically one of my characters in the party dies, so therefore i just "Remove character" and he is removed from the party, but when i go to the party select option, he can still be picked from there...how do i go about removing him all together??? is this possible???

Thanks in advance.



i have a part of my game where i remove all characters from the party for a cutscene, but i can just go to the party changer in the menu and add them again. how do i fix that?

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