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[VX] Party Changer

I get it now. The only problem I have now, is the game crashes because of the lock graphic. Even though I have it named as it is supposed to be, it still messes up.

Fixed it, sorry about that. But, I have found a new error. If you lock a party member in the group, and then hit "Reset" in the option part of the changer, the game will freeze up.
Also, is there to make it to where you can't exit out of the changer without having a full party of four set?

Please edit your post next time instead of double-posting ~Dargor
You named the picture Locked.PNG?
I've fixed the Freeze error in the latest version. Make sure you have version 3.2 or higher.
You can't specify a minimum/maximum number of party members but I will add that in the next version.
This is a really nice script Dargor! I'm obviously not gonna use it as i have rmxp and already have my own party changing system built into my game but its really neat none the less. I like how colorful and organized it looks and it seems really easy to use. I'm just curious is the hud colors based on the system gfx? So if you were using a red system for instance would your hud be red?
I think the version in the demo is outdated, use the one in the first post.
I have a version history in the script header if you want to know what has been done when.
Awsome, that takes care of all my troubles... At least until I can set the required number of members. Thanks for all the help man, and great script.
hmm, now I'm having this problem:

Script "Party Changer" line 1127: NoMethod occurred
undefined method 'reserve_locked' for nil Nil:Class

Here is what I did:
I have actors 1-4 in the party
I make party 1 have Ylva, 2 have ulrika and bennett, 3 have Ralph
I change control to party 2, with party 1 and 3 on the same map.
I save the game to file 2, then shutdown, then turn it back on.
I load the game. The parties are gone.
I go to the menu and select parties. I can't pick any to put into the party.
I push accept(z on the keyboard) and i get this error.

I'm sorry if i was too specific, but I wanted to make you knew everything i did, just in case.
It's because I haven't fixed the MUltiple Parties script so that it saves the Parties data. I'll try to work on it today but I'm not sure if I'll have enough time.
Dargor... I've encounter two problem with the party changer...

First of all, whenever I try to change a party during in a battle (Tankentai SBS), my actor position will be positioned at the most upper left corner of the screen (instead of the position of the actor who switch with it).

Secondly, whenever access to party menu, all the actor on the left window panel is empty. Supposingly it should reflect the current actor that is active. Fine...
After selecting the member (let say 4 actor), then the second time when access to the party meny again, left window panel is empty. Shouldn't the actor suppose to remain in the left panel from the original selection?

Hope my explanation is clear. Any idea how this might happen?
First of all, this script isn't 100% compatible with the Takentai CBS and I'm not planing on making it compatible.
The left window panel is empty because it's the window that will hold your party members when you select them from the reserve. SO everything is normal here.
Dargor":12sbixdr said:
First of all, this script isn't 100% compatible with the Takentai CBS and I'm not planing on making it compatible.
The left window panel is empty because it's the window that will hold your party members when you select them from the reserve. SO everything is normal here.

thanks for your reply.... guess have to bear witht he takentai CBS then...
regards of the party change that i'm querying... even though the its the window that select from the reserve... but shouldn't the locked suppose to stay as active?
because when i access to the party menu, even the locked character is replaceable with other reserve....

Can i ask what are the script to add the icons in the game menu and battle menu?
because notice that the party, order and several custom command in the battle has no icons on the left.

once again thank you for your reply.... i love your custom cmd, large party and party changer... just my comment for improvement if i see something awkward...
There are 2 kinds of locked actors.

The Party Locked actors are actors that must be part of your party. You can't select them from the reserve and will already be in the party window when you open the Party Changer.

The Reserve Locked actors are actors that can't be added to the party at the moment. Let's say Ralph was in your party but now he's on a mission, for logical reasons, you don't want him to be selected from the reserve since he's gone!

And about the icons, you'll find everything you need to modify them in the Custom Commands script, at the beginning. There's an Icon variable around line 85.
I hope I have answered your questions. If it's not what you wanted to know, please tell me. :)

Oh and by the way, while writing this, I found a bug with the party locked and forced party features. I'll post the updated version of the script today.

Take care!
Thanks to clarification for party changer.... now i understands...

Sorry to disturb you again.... I'm know nothing about scripting... I've tried to add Vocab::Party => 141 inside the Icons = {} but is shows error

uninitialized constant Vocab::Party

hmmm what does this means?
It's because the Vocab::Party constant is "declared" after the Custom Commands script. You have 2 choices here:
1) You add Vocab::Party = 'Party' just above module Custom_Commands and you add a " # " in front of Vocab::Party = 'Party' in the Party Changer script
2) Instead of using Vocab::Party in the Icons hash, simply use the text for party, in this case it would be 'Party' => 141

I won't be able to post the script tonight sot it'll have to wait a little bit.
Take care!
Ok I have updated the script.
This new version fixes a few bugs with the Forced Party and Party Locked features.
Another version should be available with new features this weekend!

Take care!
So, when's the next update? I'm still looking a way to make it to where you need to always have four members in the main party, and at least five before you can use the character switch...
The next update should come soon.
But right now, I'm working on the next demo of my FF6 SDK, I want to release it before the end of 2008 and I still have a lot of work to do.



how can we add an actor to 2nd party automatically when we start a new game?
and then if we save the game with the 2nd party, will we start with party 2 when load game?

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