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[VX] Party Changer

This question is more related to the Multiple Parties script than the Party Changer.
Anyway, to create another party, use this in a script call :
party = Game_Party.new
$game_parties[party_id] = party

actor_id is the of the actor you want to be added to the second party
party_id is the id of the new party. I recommend using 1

When you load the game, you should automatically start with the party you were using when yuo saved the game.



I'm looking for a way to remove actors from the reserve(For 'temporary' characters, that will be added permanantly later.). Running Version 1.10.1 (yeah, I'm a bit out dated).

I've actually been needing this ability for a while, but i've neglected it up to now. So, any advice, Dargor?
You should update to version 3.5.
If you want to remove an actor from the reserve, use this:
Not entirely sure which script between the large party or the party change system is causing this, but I've noticed a rather strange bug.  Seems if you gain multiple levels after one battle, for some odd reason, instead of displaying only the last level gained, it also displays seemingly an arbitrary level in between.  For example, in my project, the characters are supposed to go from level 1 to level 6, so it should simply display "X character has gained level 6!" but instead it said "level 3!" then after it recycled through the party with the second message about level 6.  I tested this with your party change & multiple parties demo to see if I could duplicate this error and it still happened, so it's not a result of a script conflict.  That being said, I love these scripts and will most likely use them in my project.  Keep up the good work!

Edit:  Forgot to mention, in my own project I was using the most up to date versions of the scripts.

Edit #2:  So after poking around in the script, I figured out that the level up display is doubling up because the exp that is supposed to only be added to the reserve characters is also getting added to the characters in the current party.  For now for my own use, I'm simply disabling the use of reserve exp.  I'm not sure yet how I want to use said system anyway.
There's a featre in the Large Party script which allows actors in the reserve to gain a % of the exp you gain in battle. It's probably the reason why some actors weren't reaching the expected level.
I got one tiny problem. I want to lock actor 1 as the first member in my party. When I went to the menu and ordered the party members, I couldn't change actor one position-which is good. But when I pressed Q or W, the order in the party still change like actor 1 had never been locked. How can I fix this?
Anyway, I love your scrip! :biggrin:
Hello, I just started using your scripts, and I'm confused on some things. (Sorry I am very new but learning fast.) When I put all of the required scripts in, some things changed. I have Icons near my Attack, Items, Save, etc. (I really love this though, I just want to know if that is supposed to happen) Also when I press Pg Up and Pg down The sprite itself changes to different party members (again, I really love this feature, but I'm checking if its supposed to happen.) And the last thing is, there is no "Party" selection in my Menu. Nice script, and I'm sorry if I sound like a noob, but I kinda am. I want to know this information to better myself =D
Hi, this is kind of in contrast to ur custom commands script, but I was going to use this script, so I tested the custom commands script first. When I brought up the "pause menu" It showed an error saying this...

"Script'Window_Command' line 22: NoMethodError occured. undefined method `size' for Nil:class"

Then I checked line 22, saying "row_max = (commands.size + column_max - 1) / column_max"

And I'm not one to understand scripting, so what's making it like this?

(BTW, I use Takantei's SBS+Kaduki battlers)
YuenSan":2g3qdu31 said:
(BTW, I use Takantei's SBS+Kaduki battlers)
This can be the problem. But I tested the CC with the CBS and it worked fine, at least for the main menu.

It seems like there's a script using a Window_Command and this script doesn't give any commands to add to the window. Are you using any other scripts besides Custom Commands, Party Changer and the CBS?
Dargor":2gsgf0qr said:
YuenSan":2gsgf0qr said:
(BTW, I use Takantei's SBS+Kaduki battlers)
This can be the problem. But I tested the CC with the CBS and it worked fine, at least for the main menu.

It seems like there's a script using a Window_Command and this script doesn't give any commands to add to the window. Are you using any other scripts besides Custom Commands, Party Changer and the CBS?
Well beforehand, like I said, I was using the script told oyu (SBS+ kaduki's) I'm also using the optional scripts that cam along with it (It's the Kaduki battler's demo in here http://www.rpgrevolution.com/forums/ind ... opic=18304 )

I'm also using a battle background script by moghunter.
Great Script... it'd be very useful, if it would work...
i'm a bit noob, so my complaind may come from my ignorance... anyway:
  • -First, it's great that the inventories of every parties are separed, but there are any way to switch items? or at least to have the inventary in common?
  • -Second, very often, when i load a seved game, it does not works, showing this message:
    and even if somehow i maneg to load (yes, sometime works!) all the parties are scrambled, disappeared or the same!
  • -The last problem is small, but i can't figure out how to remove this tiny arrow...

all those problems come from the demo and i've not mixed it with any other features...

anyway, the script offers a lot of tools to create original games!
Thanks Benjamin,

I have reopened the Multiple Parties script recently and noticed a couple of bugs and missing features. I am currently updating all my VX scripts.

In the next version, all the loading bugs will be fixed.
I will also add the option to merge parties. You'll be able to make a full merge (Inventory, Gold, Steps, etc.) or specific merge (only Gold, etc.).

Also, the trading system between parties is an excellent idea!
I will add that.


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