Heya, I just tried out the first ten minutes or so and thought I'd post some comments.
I was a bit disappointed with the way the game started. The dream sequence was bizarre and didn't make much sense, although I've only played ten minutes so that's understandable. The "starting off with a teenager waking up in his bed" is probably the most overused way to start an RPG you can get. Also, I find it weird that he'd sleep in all his armour, and (I'm guessing he's a teenager) why does he have so much gear if he lives in this small village with his mom?
The town's mapping was decent but a bit tedious to walk through at times. I didn't understand why I had to go to the temple to get the Quest Log, seemed unnecessary to me. The music fit the town well. Not much to do there though, and even less people to talk to. (and this may be one of my pet peeves, but I don't like it when I can walk up to the edge of a map, I always expect some sort of teleport)
There was only one spelling error I found (a woman in the town says "feirce" instead of "fierce" monsters) and the dialogue was average.
The battles were nothing too spectacular, although they were nice and simple which I liked. I eventually stopped fighting the monsters because I got bored in the forest. (I don't mean that in a harsh way, but I've played so many VX games with the same battle system.) It's not you, I just like to have a little variety in battles and I'm sure others would agree. Also, this isn`t particularly your fault, but I found it weird walking in a forest with a bunch of moving black portals (but thank you for visible enemies!) I know VX is lacking in character sets but it`d be nice if you could get some that matched the enemies battler sprites.
I`d advice you to put some fogs and screen tints. When the dark forest and the cheery village have the same atmosphere, it doesn`t look very good. Even just a slightly darker screen in the forest can make a big difference.
Keep working at it. Next time though when you make a game, my advice would be to put it into Concept Development first to work on the story and characters, to flesh them out a little more and give it them some depth. (from what I can read in the main post I`m not a big fan, although I haven`t played much so I`ll leave it at that)
Oh, and by the way, I don`t see how `Mapped with RTP`, `Made by the creator of Lucid Awakening` and `thoroughly playtested` are features. Features are unique elements inside the game, not what else the creator made. The quest system sounds nice though and the `gates` give the game some replayability value.