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[VX] Bestiary

Questions that are not related the bestiary script should go into their respective topics.
Simply read the script header, it tells you all you need to know.

There's a scan script somewhere around here, just make a forum search.

Yes, it has been fixed. I have to release another version.
when i copy the code out of the spoiler it has the line number too, how do i get ride of those without backspacing every line number out of the code?

p.s. cant wait to use script!
Just click on Line number On/Off, it will remove the numbers.
By the way, a new version is on his way. It will add enemies description and a couple of other little features!
i know you make it work with your custom commands, but i have one quick question how do i get a icon for it? ive messed with the scripts some but i cant seem to get a icon on the bestairy.

and while im on your custom commands subject i cant get save to remove from the menu
It's all explained in the Custom Commands script and I have also explained it at the top of this page. ;) But I suggest you to wait for the next update, I'll add a Custom COmmands module made specifically for the Bestiary. It'll be easier to customize commands for the bestiary that way.



I'm having a slightly different problem than everyone else. Everything in the bestiary works just fine. However, when the script is installed, the game lags horribly. When I delete the script, the game doesn't lag at all. Could there be a reason for that? It's just a shame because this was the one script that I actually wanted in my game. :tongue:



It was only on the map screen. I tried it on a map without events and there was no lag at all. While it only occurs while the bestiary script is installed, I might still take a look at one of the anti-lag scripts as it seems to be only when there are several events on the screen (most of which are just layers). I don't know how those two things interfere but at least I narrowed down the problem. Thank you.

EDIT: I thought it would be important to note that there is no longer any lag when using Anaryu's Anti-Lag script in conjunction with this one.
Hello, new to this Forum ^^

By the way, Dargor, I think i found the reason of the "Line 35 in Window_Selectable"

The Line 35 is:
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, [height - 32, row_max * WLH].max)

I think the script doesn't handle this line well sometimes (In my project, I can't use the script, my other scripts aren't the problem, i tried in the same project with only the Bestiary Script and still launches the same Error, However If I try it in a New Project, With the same default scrips than the First project, it works excellent [With just your script and with all of the added scripts of the first projects])

If you Replace Line 35 with this:
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)

A Bitmap drawing from Window Base Superclass, The bestiary opens but the lines get Cut, I found that this is because of Height "-32" (Lol, I think this aprt it's pretty basic in scripting but I guess every info is useful), If I increase -32, the next lines of the bestiary get drawn up to a limit (I don't remember in which value the game launched another Error).

Even If the alst method of replacing The Line, Still i can't Draw The Entire list of enemies, So In conclusion, I guess the problem comes that the section of the script Window_EnemyList of the bestiary is handled by Window_Selectable configuration, So to make the bestiary draw all the lines, I've have to edit the Window_Slectable (like I said before with replacing the lines), if I do that I edit all the windows in the game that need that have selections, and thats not the idea

So I guess, to finish the post, that the solution could be that you should have the Contents of the Window controlled by the same script (possible?) I mean, Still have the Window_EnemyList < Window_Selectable but handling the bitmapdrawing just for the bestiary window in Window_Enemy_List

I Hope this helps(lol, maybe not)

Thanks for reading :D

I found the way to fix the Line 35 of Window_Selectable problem

It seems that the Bestiary has problems holding Big numbers of enemies, since I think the script can't handle up to 999 Monsters

Actually, Woratana's Monster Book Has the exact same problem, i don't know If you based you code in his or his in yours or maybe it's a problem with the WIndow Selectable of RMVX (just guessing, like I said I'm a Zero in scripting)

The Bestiary can hold a maximum of 680 Enemies, if you ahve more, it'll launch an error, I hope this helps the ones that had this issue too.

Wondering if anyone has a demo using this script that i could download cause I'm failing miserably at getting this script to work.
Hi. Extremely new to this forum and scripting, and I'm sorry for the absurd bump but I was directed to this site via search engine, and, well...I don't know where else to ask. Ahem.

I copy-and-pasted the Custom Commands, Bestiary and the Bestiary Commands into the script area where it says "Materials" underneath one that says (Insert Here) but two spaces above "Main". However, when I try to play the game (there is no game right now, it's merely to test the script before I stick it into my in-progress RPG) it says:
"Script 'Bestiary' line 32: SyntaxError occured".

Words cannot express how much of a noob I am at scripting. I don't know where to begin, but I'm patient. I have not edited anything, just copy-and-pasted, I do not know what to edit.

Thanks to anyone who can/does help
~Draconis Kenjishiya
Hi Draconis,

I'm not sure if it's my mistake but anyway, on line 32 you'll find something that looks like "9Â => 104".
The A character besides 9 shouldn't be there, simply remove it and it should work.

Take care!
I originally had the same problem as Draconis, but afterwards, I get the following error when I try to access the bestiary in the meny: Script 'Bestiary' line 545: NoMethodError occured. undefined method for '[]' for nil:NilClass It happens when you don't have any monsters seen in the bestiary. Then, the following error occured when I tried to access a monster's information without having received the item they drop: Script 'Bestiary' line 386: Name Error occured. uninitialized constant Vocab:: UknownDrop

Edit: I figured the problem with this too, there was another one of those errant A's placed in row 69.

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