Hello, new to this Forum ^^
By the way, Dargor, I think i found the reason of the "Line 35 in Window_Selectable"
The Line 35 is:
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, [height - 32, row_max * WLH].max)
I think the script doesn't handle this line well sometimes (In my project, I can't use the script, my other scripts aren't the problem, i tried in the same project with only the Bestiary Script and still launches the same Error, However If I try it in a New Project, With the same default scrips than the First project, it works excellent [With just your script and with all of the added scripts of the first projects])
If you Replace Line 35 with this:
self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
A Bitmap drawing from Window Base Superclass, The bestiary opens but the lines get Cut, I found that this is because of Height "-32" (Lol, I think this aprt it's pretty basic in scripting but I guess every info is useful), If I increase -32, the next lines of the bestiary get drawn up to a limit (I don't remember in which value the game launched another Error).
Even If the alst method of replacing The Line, Still i can't Draw The Entire list of enemies, So In conclusion, I guess the problem comes that the section of the script Window_EnemyList of the bestiary is handled by Window_Selectable configuration, So to make the bestiary draw all the lines, I've have to edit the Window_Slectable (like I said before with replacing the lines), if I do that I edit all the windows in the game that need that have selections, and thats not the idea
So I guess, to finish the post, that the solution could be that you should have the Contents of the Window controlled by the same script (possible?) I mean, Still have the Window_EnemyList < Window_Selectable but handling the bitmapdrawing just for the bestiary window in Window_Enemy_List
I Hope this helps(lol, maybe not)
Thanks for reading :D