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Vampyr SBABS 12


I used the ABS v.11 and got this error

"Vampyr SBAS" Line 892: NoMethodError occured
undefined method 'clear' for nil:NilClass

On that line was

I then opened up a new project and copied everything over and it works perfectly. So I'm wondering the problem is either because of me forgetting to put something (which I don't know which), or my scripts clash with the others (well, don't think so) ORR, I forgot to edit something that has to be edited. LOL.

What I did was :
1. Copied all the codes over
2. Copied input.dll over
3. Copied Graphics (system and characters) and audio over.

Maybe I missed something...

Anyway, scripts that I'm using :

Moghunter's status menu
Kylock's Time System
Multiple Fog Effect - by woratana
Weather Effect - by ccoa
Custom Message System - by Yanfly
Moghunter's menu Yui
Light Effects - Kylock
Autosave system - BulleXt
Neo Save - woratana
Skip Title - Jackolas.

Thanks in advance~!
Oh wait, I think my "Skip-Title" script is clashing with the ABS.

The problem occurs just after I change

$scene = Scene_Title.new to
$scene = Cutscene_Title.new under "Main".

Everything else works fine if I don't change the above, But I have to, in order to play a cutscene before having the title screen.

Any solutions..?
I'm using 12 but I cant get the gun to work. It worked fine in version 7.
Here's how I have it in the notes of the weapon:

Ammo1 = 29
Graphic = !$Bullet
Speed = 8
Shot SE = Fire2
Range = 6

I get the error:

Script 'Vampyr SBABS' Lin 1784: NoMethodError occurred.
undefined method 'ammo1' for #<RPG::Weapon:0x1843708>

Could anyone tell me what I have done wrong, please?
hyuugablood":28lw470l said:
I'm using 12 but I cant get the gun to work. It worked fine in version 7.
Here's how I have it in the notes of the weapon:

Ammo1 = 29
Graphic = !$Bullet
Speed = 8
Shot SE = Fire2
Range = 6

I get the error:

Script 'Vampyr SBABS' Lin 1784: NoMethodError occurred.
undefined method 'ammo1' for #<RPG::Weapon:0x1843708>

Could anyone tell me what I have done wrong, please?

Yeah, you didn't bother reading the instructions.

The bow only needs this:
Ammos = 24 (to have more than one, you can do 24, 25, etc.)
Delay = 35
Range = 6

Then, in the ammo item you make, you need to put this:
Is Ammo
Graphic = !$Arrow
Speed = 6
Shot SE = Bow2

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