Sasuke: Glad you like the tileset man, hey you can always work on a short tyke tale on the side :D
Ratty: Objects should be around the size of the template, not exactly but around there, some objects work well in one grid and others you have to place in between two, here's an example.
If i where to keep the windows in the middle of the grid it would be too high up so i used two spaces so that it would come closer to the character, (same thing with the lantern), there's always going to be a bit of a distance thing with some objects because of the temp size and the rmxp resolution but that's the way to go about it. ... mple-1.png[/IMG]
Of coarse you can also have some windows that are higher up too, that was just a small example of how some things work best.
I can sprite pretty well but i can't explain anything for shit :/, so hope that made some sense to you.