Ubernaut: I have not tested the bat but by just looking at it i think looks awesome, nice work with that bud :thumb:
~R~: Cool, a very nice humanoid monster, i will save

by the way you guys should add you characters to the download manager too.
Gunga: Looking cool man (good size too), i had that same prob with my old mouse after i spilled milk on it one night :D
I gathered some of the wip stuff i saved from working on chipsets (DoBoi, tyke, tyke2) and put them together just in case it can help some of you guys out a tad, i can't write a tut and i'm also too lazy to try :p, anyway there's not much here, had more wip pieces but i deleted those a long time ago or never saved some other things in this manner :/
As you can see i use 5x5 squares for the roof, using paint i first make the outline, then i create the roof tile, afterwards i color the roof outline in one solid color and set that color transparent, then i take that roof tile and copy and paste till i have three rows of five, now i copy one side of the roof put it over the tiles, then i copy that, paste it, than i reverse it and paste to other side, than i choose my roof color and you know the rest, hope that didn't sound too stupid but if it did who cares XD, aside from the roof pattern i also added a brick pattern and some variations with that that can work as wooden floors or whatever.
Forgot to add i did not save every single thing as i worked but like i said hope it helps.
I'm sure there are other ways to go about these things, this is how i've learned to work by trial and error.