Blitzlance: Great looking character, the lighting direction on the head is the only thing that should be changed imo, because i think most everyone else will have it coming from the left side.
Nphyx: Cool cool, and i went back and saved those characters i missed.
Malick: The summon night style looks good with tyke, hehe a nice scene with the character sleeping under the tree, good luck to ya man.
Loofah: Woo looks great man, hope you will make a couple more soon.
Kidd: Nice wips, you keep getting better and better.
Gunga: The tileset is looking super nice, i agree with you guys that it needs a bit more color variation, hmm i also think you should resize that bottom area of the wall by one or two pixels max so that it doesn't look like it's right under the window.
Well i guess the poll thing is a bad idea, you guys can tell me if some of these ideas suck, i have no probs with that ^_^
I will now put up emo's list to the first post, you guys can choose to make at least one of each if you like
