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Trickster's RTAB (TRTAB) System V2.1

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Take out the action timer script.

EDIT: I just noticed something very interesting. When used with Minkoff's Animated Battlers Enhanced by Dervvulfman, the victory is looped is does not end. The battle result window does not pop up and it is very weird. Im not sure why it is doing that either...=/
Um, if you're using an Animated Battlers demo with this system, I set Gloria's victory move to loop. ;) Not a problem, but a feature of MY system. :D

Got... to... get... newest... version...

(hey, a guy's gotta keep current. Overspecialize, and you breed in weakness.)



Yup, you are right. It was Gloria messing it up. ^_^

EDIT: It wasnt Gloria messing it up. The error occurs when the all monsters are dead but it is still someone's turn. Im not sure if this is animated battlers fault or not though...
  # * The Speed of the System in Frames
  Speed = 100

Didn't you even bother to read the setup section -_-

Decrease the 100 here to something smaller but not too small
class Scene_Battle
  def update_phase4_step4
    # The Usual
    # Run Through Each Target
    @target_battlers.each do |target|
      # Set Animation Id and Animation Hit Flags
      target.animation_id = target.multi_animation[@active_battler]
      target.animation_hit = target.multi_animation_hit[@active_battler]
    @wait_count = $data_animations[@animation2_id].frame_max + 8

There is an error with this line of code: "@wait_count = $data_animations[@animation2_id].frame_max + 8"

I get:

Script "Animation Fix" line 11: NoMethodError occured.
undefined method 'frame_max' for nil:NilClass

The problem happens when an actor uses the command 'defend', other than that for actions such as attack and skills the animation fix works. Maybe there is a problem because defend doesn't have an animation?
I am new to RMXP. Trickster i very much like this battle system. Great work.

I have a question. How can i have it so when a player gets attacked, the timer bar does not go down ? I would like it so that if attacked, that player can still make a move. Thank you



I'm having two problems.

1: Whenever I go into the menu then exit, the gradient bars for HP,SP and EXP stay on screen.

2: Whenever a battle occurs, I get this error message:
Script'Animated Gradient Bars' line 317:NoMethodError occured.
undefined method 'viewpoint2' for nil:NilClass
Is there a way to switch the bars from the animated bars to your Plug + play gradients? (the color.hsb and color.color scripts are lagging me)
FlameDragoon;262709":11tv7m7d said:
Hmmm... Nice script, but I don't like the front view. Other than that, great work!

Not my problem. That's like buying a car and saying wow this is a nice car, but I don't like the steering wheel of it or something, and if you don't like the steering wheel then you are free to buy a new one.

Zendel;263705":11tv7m7d said:
I'm having two problems.

1: Whenever I go into the menu then exit, the gradient bars for HP,SP and EXP stay on screen.

2: Whenever a battle occurs, I get this error message:
Script'Animated Gradient Bars' line 317:NoMethodError occured.
undefined method 'viewpoint2' for nil:NilClass

you are missing MACL (Method and Class Library) get it from the stickies of this forum.

Aravesque;267736":11tv7m7d said:
Is there a way to switch the bars from the animated bars to your Plug + play gradients? (the color.hsb and color.color scripts are lagging me)

Just delete Animated Gradient Bars and add the other script in its place (note you can't change the AT bar from being animated)

and no Color.hsb and Color.colors do not cause lag and I can assure you the lag is coming from somewhere else

the actual causes of lag are...
1) Events! there is an instance of the Interpreter class for every event, have a lot of events/parallel process events and boom lag!
2) Poorly coded scripts, scripts that call time consuming method each frame such as (<Bitmap>.draw_text, <Bitmap>.hue_change, <Sprite>.angle, etc see help file for more info)
3) Your system does not meet the system requirements
4) you are running too many programs

But yeah I can run Animated Gradient Bars on my very old crap laptop running a few programs with no lag so it can't be that (note: Animated Gradient Bars runs off Color.hsb, and Gradient Bars Base found in MACL, Color.colors is just sugary syntax to easily refer to a color)
I have a question:

First off, I spent about 2-3 weeks trying to find a nice ATB system to replace the one I had before by fukuyama.

This one fitted my needs PEFECTLY, except for one minor detail: The letter 'R.'

Is there any way I can stop the timers from increasing while in menus, and also make it so only one action occurs at a time again?

I'm far too stupid to comprehend multiple attacks happening at the same time.

Also, on a side note, I'm also using your Passive Effects script. Does that script have anything to do with map events that change movement speed? The events in my game are acting somewhat screwy with movement/speeds since I added the script.


EDIT: Actually, the simultaneous action would be pretty good either way, that should be fine. Mainly, I just want to know how to pause the battle while a menu is open. My game is extremely menu intensive, and since implementing the system, it has become near impossible to play because you get raped while you're in the menu, heh.
Zopharr;271352":176gvoqw said:
I have a question:

First off, I spent about 2-3 weeks trying to find a nice ATB system to replace the one I had before by fukuyama.

This one fitted my needs PEFECTLY, except for one minor detail: The letter 'R.'

Is there any way I can stop the timers from increasing while in menus, and also make it so only one action occurs at a time again?

I'm far too stupid to comprehend multiple attacks happening at the same time.

Then switch to either ATB or CTB (ATB is just like this but no simultaneous actions, CTB is just like ATB but enemies will not attack you during command selection)

Zopharr;271352":176gvoqw said:
Also, on a side note, I'm also using your Passive Effects script. Does that script have anything to do with map events that change movement speed? The events in my game are acting somewhat screwy with movement/speeds since I added the script.

Yes there is still that problem with the movement speed.

Zopharr;271352":176gvoqw said:

Zopharr;271352":176gvoqw said:
EDIT: Actually, the simultaneous action would be pretty good either way, that should be fine. Mainly, I just want to know how to pause the battle while a menu is open. My game is extremely menu intensive, and since implementing the system, it has become near impossible to play because you get raped while you're in the menu, heh.

If it is in phase 3 (command selection phase) then you can just switch the flags of these constants (I don't remember if I included these in TRTAB but they are in ATB)

  # * Wait or Active
  #   - Wait Enemies do not attack during selection
  #   - Active Enemies attack during selection
  Wait = false
  # * Action_Wait
  #   - Bars freeze when action is chosen (During Command Selection)
  Action_Wait = false
Thanks a lot.

I've been looking all over for the ATB, and I could only find the CTB earlier. Being the picky, unappreciative moron that I am, I didn't use the CTB because I liked the overall layout of the (T)RTAB much better.

Would there be any way to take the UI from this one and put it into the other code?

I'm a decent programmer with C++ and Java, but I just can't seem to grasp the way Ruby works exactly, otherwise I'd try to experiment myself.

Thanks again!

BTW, this passive effects script is amazing. One more thing: Would I perhaps be able to disable part 5 (map effects) in that passive effects script to eliminate those speed problems? I haven't tried, so I apologize if its a simple fix... it's 4am and I need sleep.

EDIT: Found your CBS, and its working out great. I just copied and pasted the UI from this one into that for the red gradiant bar on the action timer ^.^

Also, simply deleting the page 5 of the passive script worked. Don't need any map passives anyway.

Problem solved, thanks for the help.
At first I said to myself "I don't need a RTAB for my system," but after reading the posts in the forum it looks like it's quite customizable and solid, and compatible with Minkoff (though no one said exactly how, so I'll play around with it. I'm guessing I just put this under it).

I also use Passive Effects (and Support Abilities), so I'll be looking forward to better compatibility in the future. I'm also fairly well-versed in C++, Java, and C# (considering rewriting my game in XNA, actually), sorta wish I had the time to properly learn the ins and outs of RGSS so I can do more for the community.

Anyway, good job, Trickster!

One question: Say I want the system on a "wait" mode, where the timers stop to allow the user to make a decision. My game is very tactical, so having the timer stay active doesn't work all too well.



When I took out the Action Timer script, I got an error when I attacked.
Script 'Action Wait Bar Addon' line 223: NoMethodError occured.

undefined method 'active_battler' for #<Scene_Battle:0x13ca6b8>.

Any help would be appreciated.
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