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Trickster's RTAB (TRTAB) System V2.1

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"(For Laughs) You can call this script TRTAB, Advanced ATB, STARTAB, but not RTAB."

Your title: "Trickster's RTAB System"


I tried the demo, but i don't like it, maybe it's me but i can't understand properly how to configure if i don't try again and again every parameter... and in the beginning of battle there is a long amount of time that passes with nothing happening... what's that?

(what about the camera function?)
Use XRXS's Full Camera system (available in the forum) until he has one (if he so chooses to have one). Put it below his system. It's not foolproof, but it doesn't generate any errors.
@Trickster, First of all Nice script, you have been telling that you would make a RTAB form a long time, so congrats you. Keep going, now you just need to add all The addons.xD

@Mike Portnoy : I was very Rude of you to post that! He took long Time (and I mean it!) to finish this script. and what he gets in return? A childish answer that say 'I don't like this.bla..bla..bla', very childish of you, because he spends most of the time Scripting for you guys, if you don't like DON'T USE IT!, if you don't understand a thingy I bet if you asked he would gladly answer your doubt. The way you did, it looked like you just posted to say that you don't like his script.You don't like it, no one is forcing you to use it.The least you could do is saying why you don't like it. In fact I don't belive Trickster cares of what you are saying, in a matter of fact I think he will just say " I don't Care!"

You may be asking why I posted this, it is mainly because I am a scripter and I don't like seing people "make fun" out of a felow Scripter work.

Also if you don't like it: Why don't you make one?

Don't get this as I am flaming you,I just warning you that

You may be asking why I posted this, it is mainly because I am a scripter and I ddon't like seing people "make fun" out of a felow Scripter work. to do that.

Edit: About the Title, Trickster's RTAB is fine, because TRTAB => Trickster's Real Time Action Battle.
Great work Trickster. Most excllent work. I will be sure to try and make my scripts comptabile with this, including my in-battle party switcher (hopefully enough people want that and use the rtab, they will be forced to switch to the TRTAB).

Great work again buddy. Congrats on finishing this.

* Points at signature *
Hehe thanks Seph. Shouldn't be too hard Tried it out with my new script and it works perfectly :)

Note for future posters: I don't care if you choose to use this system or not, but if you are going to stick with RTAB (older version) then please refrain from posting compatibility requests in my topics and posting how much you prefer his system over mine, thanks.
Chaos you shouldn't take it so bad...

On the title i was just jokin, anyways i just said that personally i don't like it, that i couldn't find a camera function (tough i didn't think to try the script wulfman said... after all the peculiar aspect of rtab is the camera function, withouth that and some other add-ons it would just be an atb like another), and that i can't understand instructions here if i don't try and try and try again every parameter to see what happens.
That's it.

(Wandering if the graphic of the bars could be changed?)

Uh also... are all the script in the demo needed or the system can work withouth some of them?
I just get piss off when someone makes fun of a friends work, mostly when I know how much he worked in that. And yesterday I was kind of Bored with personal things. :/

All the scripts it needs are posted in the topic , just look there.
(tough i didn't think to try the script wulfman said... after all the peculiar aspect of rtab is the camera function, withouth that and some other add-ons it would just be an atb like another)
Dynamic camera is just a dynamic camera, just a visual enhacement. it is something you can add to the DBS, but it will still remain DBS.
Pretty awesome system Trick. ^_^
Was wondering if you are going to update it further, as I want to make an addon for the Window_BattleStatus or the new Battle Report screen like we discussed before. To be honest, I think this system is a lot better than cockwheels's RTAB.
Main Script Updated to Version 2.0

Cleans up code
Fixes The Battle Event Updating Bars Bug

(Timer Battle System Base updated V2.0)
Cleans up code
Fixes Confuse/Beserk States

Minor note
Action Timer Addon Updated to Version 1.1 Cleans up code
Action Wait Bar Addon Updated to Version 1.2 Cleans up code, The Bar is now 100% accurate in telling when actions will take place (shut up I have been up all night for lack of a better way to word this)

DOWNLOAD HERE (Note Do not get the demo from my sig it is outdated)
loving the update :D


Dunno, if its just me, but I just noticed that if you choose an action, if you get attacked it automatically cancels out the action you picked.

Dunno if its meant to be like that, or not.
Reason I post is because on the previous versions this didn't happen 0_o
shadowfox;217290 said:
loving the update :D


Dunno, if its just me, but I just noticed that if you choose an action, if you get attacked it automatically cancels out the action you picked.

Dunno if its meant to be like that, or not.
Reason I post is because on the previous versions this didn't happen 0_o

Thanks I appreciate your comment :)

It is the Action Timer doing that just remove/disable the script and that will stop happening

NAMKCOR;217691 said:
sounds like a really great system!
I'm gonna be testing it soon.

is it compatible with Minkoff's Animated Sidview?

I wouldn't know try it and see, but if it isn't I have my own in the works

Kuri$u;198416 said:
Pretty awesome system Trick. ^_^
Was wondering if you are going to update it further, as I want to make an addon for the Window_BattleStatus or the new Battle Report screen like we discussed before. To be honest, I think this system is a lot better than cockwheels's RTAB.

Hehe thanks (sorry for the late reply), they will all be available soon :p



For anyone wondering, this script works flawlessly with Minkoffs Animated Battlers Enhanced. At first I wasnt liking this script but...its pretty awesome. Its adds a whole new level to RTAB with the canceling attacks and stuff. ALOT of required stuff however, maybe you can compile all the required scripts in a rsc file in a later update? :P Organization is key when it comes to how much stuff is needed for this system. I have a question regarding the HP/MP bars. I was very fond of using the slant bars made by Seph, modified by Clive to use in the original RTAB but Im not sure how to go about it for this one. If you could push me in the right direction, thatd be great. Awesome script, I have some lag issues with it however but it just may be my CPU. What's next with this system?
shadowfox;219612 said:
Found maybe another oddity.

After using a skill, the damage is displayed during the animation not afterwards.

Well it was caused by this in the default scripts
    # Animation has at least 8 frames, regardless of its length
    @wait_count = 8

The wait count wasn't long enough so the damage just plays right in the animation and here is a fix for that

class Scene_Battle
  def update_phase4_step4
    # The Usual
    # Run Through Each Target
    @target_battlers.each do |target|
      # Set Animation Id and Animation Hit Flags
      target.animation_id = target.multi_animation[@active_battler]
      target.animation_hit = target.multi_animation_hit[@active_battler]
    @wait_count = $data_animations[@animation2_id].frame_max + 8

You can either replace the method in my script or add the above in a new script below the battle system

Juuhou;220705 said:
For anyone wondering, this script works flawlessly with Minkoffs Animated Battlers Enhanced. At first I wasnt liking this script but...its pretty awesome. Its adds a whole new level to RTAB with the canceling attacks and stuff. ALOT of required stuff however, maybe you can compile all the required scripts in a rsc file in a later update? :P Organization is key when it comes to how much stuff is needed for this system. I have a question regarding the HP/MP bars. I was very fond of using the slant bars made by Seph, modified by Clive to use in the original RTAB but Im not sure how to go about it for this one. If you could push me in the right direction, thatd be great. Awesome script, I have some lag issues with it however but it just may be my CPU. What's next with this system?

Actually the install isn't that bad, just a note but you don't have to copy all of the MACL stuff if you already have the full version of it, so that is only about 6 scripts to copy (5 if you don't want the Hp/Sp Bars), just to get the system working that's not much really

You can remove the script Animated Gradient Bars, but that will only get rid of the Hp/Sp bar the ATB bar must not be changed or you will get extreme lag (also note that the bars are sprites and are not directly drawn to the window and changing them to something means a rewrite to the battle status window :-/)

But fortunately, I did implement slanted bars for Animated Gradient Bars so that if you set this to true
  # * Slanted Bars
  #   - Draw Slanted Gradient Bars (Only Gradient Will be Slanted)
  Slanted_Bars = false

The Bars will be slanted instead of rectangular although you will need to provide a slanted background for it to display correctly (Too busy to do one myself) the rest will be handled by the script



Oh. My.

I come back from germany, and what do I find? Trickster who FINALLY made that ****** TRTAB script! (Yes! Me = Switching)

Great job, and yada yada yada...

but hey, homie, care to tell me how do we edit the script to make the actors carry the selected action immediately, instead of waiting for the second bar below the ATB Gauge to empty out?
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