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theory's Script Art Workshop [CLOSED]

1)Shikagun Gems 1
2)Rise Of Shikagun
3)No concept art
4)i don't need any style i just need a green color words with fantasy fonts
for the fantasy fonts just go fantasyfonts.com or dafont.com to find them.
Sorry, mooglelow. If you can't tell me anything about it other than you want plain green letters, http://www.lesley.edu/faculty/ahunt/MSPttutr.htm is probably a more appropriate resource for you than my workshop.

The offer stands, if you elaborate. When I asked last time, you reposted the exact same details (if you can call them that) with a suggestion of where I can download fonts.



1.) Retian
2.) The Gatekeeper
3.) No
4.) I want it's text font to be like the "Tales of" games
5.) XP
6.) Logo
7.) I guess it has an eerie aura around it sad and all
Note: More information click on my userbar that says Retian.

I have not the slightest idea your full or not but take your time on it.

Thank you and have a nice day! :grin:



Can you make a remake of the FF7 opening title screen, (just the buster blade sticking out of the ground with new game and continue) I need it for RPG XP, the general theme of the game is fantasy style but for the New game and continue just use a simple font (such as the one on the forums in all capitals such as NEW GAME, CONTINUE) if possible can you make the title start black then flash white for a second then show the title screen remake, thanks a bunch if you do this for me :)
Golden Ryu - go ahead and make your request. I'm closing the workshop, just until I get caught up. Your will be the last request for now. I'll reopen when I've cleared the current list.
Great! Although the titlescreen you're making me might not see the light of day for a bit, I decided to get VX over XP and because of that have started a different project that I think will be easier.
@soupnazi: do you want yours resized/rescripted to VX instead of XP?

@zchin131: When I say "most", I mean however many I have time to do that day. I have officially accepted all requests so far. I just ran out of time for a couple days. Whatever doesn't get done Sunday will get done sometime shortly thereafter.
Shouldn't be. I'll convert it.

:smile: :specs: :grin: :box: :biggrin: :smoke: :sad: :girl: :eek:: :boo: :mad: :devil: :barf: :fap: :lol: :cheers: :haha: :toot: :huh: :eek:uch: :kiss: :dead: :blush: :thumb: :|: :shock: :wink: :down: :shades: :crazy: :blank: :tongue: :cute: :pissed: :unsure: :cry:
I'm a horrible person. I ended up preoccupied the last few days. But I'm available again now, and will be working on these today, tommorow, and the next day if neccessary.

Sorry again for the inconvenience. I wasn't estimated my RL workload to increase this badly when I opened the thread. I'm a man of my word, don't fear. Each and every request this far will get done, and I'll continue to take requests, but only one at a time after these.

Watch for updates!



I think everyone here understand you quite well - absolutley no problem, man!

Take all the time you need. What happens in your RL is always way more important than this I would say so: don't worry. ;)

hey, I know you closed this in the title, however I am really hurting for money right now, So I will post a Request here, and if you feel you do not wish to reply, in the next 3 days or so, then I will try an go somewhere else for the Request.

1.) Triple Triad
2.) The Begining
3.) None (Preferably a few triple triad Cards)
4.) Its Final Fantasy/Triple Triad card Style. so probably FF Text.
5.) Dimensions XP
6.) Title/Logo/Sig if possible, if not Title is the Main thing.
7.) This game is a prequel to Final Fantasy 8, but after final fantasy 7, when everyone develops a new card game, called Triple Triad, using Sephirathspawn's triple triad ofc modified and ofc with him having credit ^^. and it is you going around trying to do quests, and fight monsters, earning cards so its pritty much like Pokemon revamped to the triple triad process ^^

I really hope you could make this, if you can not I understand, just I wouldn't know where to start...
hey theory..
i have one of your title screens in my game with custom pics and stuff :box: ... nowhere near as good as yours tho... and i wos wondering if it is possible to use the skip title screen script in it and then reopen the title page later so i could have an intro movie b4 the title screen??

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