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theory's Script Art Workshop [CLOSED]

This started as a title screen workshop. But I found that what I'm more interested in doing is practicing new methods of scripted animation. I'll be completing the title scene requests, attempting new techniques in each and every script. After that, I'll be making script animation libraries for other scripters (or script users) to have at their disposal.


WIP (the to-do list, in order):

Sanu Ferrus (title scene)
Witchhunter (title scene)
The Gifted Child (title scene)
Retian: The Gatekeeper (title scene)
[Placeholder for goldenryu9292]
FF7 Title Screen Remake
Triple Triad: The Beginning (title scene)


Forgotten Tale : : http://www.mediafire.com/?tkkcmlgtziy
Gods Ahoy : : http://www.mediafire.com/?zd34mwntnnz [NEW]
Gods Ahoy VX : : http://www.mediafire.com/?mjnzgc1mdqn [NEW]
Hey, will you post some of your previous work, it shows where you are in your title screen making skills. :) I personal dont want one, cuz I need to work on my title sceen skills too, but others like to see what work you've created in the past. :)
Well, that's the thing. My past work is either proprietary (paid) or private (remaining unreleased). I'll throw together a demo I guess. Just hated to waste the effort.



It's not a waste if it brings in more clients. You will always find the need for a public portfolio to showcase your skills, even in the real world. Also, you should always select your best pieces to show, even if they were for paying clients. As long as it doesn't contain any material you don't have the copyright for (i.e. stock photos/ renders. logos are fine as long as you designed them), it should be okay to show it since it was your work. And if those paying customers want to bitch, just tell them it's free advertisement.
True. I'm not withholding out of rights, I'm doing it out of respect as the projects I am involved in are not released yet, and most are commercial.

I poorly worded that- don't take "wasting my time" as in not wanting to do it- I meant wasting the effort on a demo when I could be providing some random soul with a title at the same time. I'm almost done with my samples. They'll be up shortly, I'll edit the first post with them.

[Edit: first one's up.]
Could I get something?
1.) The name of the game is God's Ahoy.
2.) None.
3.) I have a little thing I tried:
4.) It needs to be purple text, and I'm hoping for maybe a pirate ship as the backround, but other than that I will leave up to you.
5.) XP.
6.) Titlescreen.
7.) It's overall a whimsical game, but at the same time I hope for it to maintain a kind of serious air, showing that the game isn't just some dumb comedy. (Here's a concept thread I made, if you want to know the story: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=64683)
If there is any details you want, I can try to clarify.
I posted this in the request forum yesterday. Maybe you'd be interested in taking it.

1.) The name of the game: Forgotten Tale
2.) The subtitle: if there is one A new beginning
3.) Any concept art you have available: Here's a link to the original topic:
Ther's a pic in description there
4.) A description of what you're looking for style-wise: see 3.)
5.) Dimensions: XP
6.) What do you need: Title screen
7.) The general theme of the game : It's a fantasy RPG with a sad -ish undertone
Most definately. I hope to have both those done today- but I'll say give me two days just to cover my *** in case something comes up. Thanks.
1.) The name of the game
Sanu Ferrus
2.) The subtitle, if there is one
How a dream could turn real
3.) Any concept art you have available (if any)
4.) A description of what you're looking for style-wise
The concept art, but with falling leaves and rain dropping
5.) Dimensions (XP or VX or some other resolution)
6.) What do you need? Title screen? Logo? Title w/scripts? Don't care?
Title Screen (falling leaves and Rain dropping)(Black and white prefered)
7.) The general theme of the game (Is another game similar? What is the art style? What is the genre?)
Its a Action Adventure with a ABS. About a dream of a little boy turned real
PM me if you want better explaination, ill send you
I'm not requesting anything but as you said you are looking for critique...

From the only example you have provided, it seems that you are currently opening photoshop first then you start thinking.

Forget everything you have seen regarding "title screens" round here as for the most part they are utter tripe. I find it somewhat amusing people request them so much yet rarely does a game even get to the stage it requires one.

A titlescreen for any commercial game consists of three things. A logo, some form of background and the options. The logo is nearly always the main presence. Forget you are making a titlescreen and make a logo first. Videogames are great because they allow for really elaborate, colourful and artistic logos as opposed to corporate ones.

I suggest you study the logos from other videogames and interpret them in your own work. If you stick a memorable and striking logo on a plain colour background it will be 99% better than stuff seen in the amateur forum because people have a need to overdo things. Stop using photoshops pre-defined things (textures, autoshapes, layer options) unless you have pre-determined that they will have a positive impact on what you are doing beforehand.

The background cannot be determined by someone just taking requests, that is if there even is to be a background. Something like that should be decided when the game is 99% finished and even then should be some unique artwork that works in tandem with the games other visuals.

From your example, you have a textured, brush stroke thing we've seen a million times here already and it sticks out and says "I'm computer generated!". The text should never be blurred, it needs to be crisp and stand over the image. The textures spoil any definition that the logo does have. Videogame logos do often make use of texture and more commonly gradients but they have a reason for doing so and it is thought beforehand, not an afterthought. I also don't know if those orange circles are an autoshape or individually placed but they definately come across as an autoshape, which isn't a good thing.

So in summary, I hope you will choose to absorb the above, focus only on making a title logo for the game, make sure that the game maker gives you some themes to work off, if not don't do their request because they obviously don't need a logo yet anyway. If a background isn't necessary, don't force it, especially with irrelevant textures that probably don't even apply to the game. I know you gave one example and maybe your other stuff is different but I could only assume it wasn't.

Interesting comments. To be honest, most of my work is quite different. I just wanted to experiment with a different feel. That is what I'm looking to do here. I'm not so much looking to create free title screens, just to learn a variety of styles. That's what I'll be doing: experimenting. I asked for critique, and I got it. I want to make each of my available styles better for their class.

I just figured instead of experimenting fruitlessly, like I usually do, I'll give the kids something to play with so something was gained by it. Also, about the textured background, I'd much rather see a plain texture than some photographic scene or whatnot that's completely irrelevant. If irrelevance is desired, might as well take it all the way.

Interested to hear your comments on the next two later tonight/tommorow.
Sure I'll give my views on your next stuff, I am very critical, but only because it drives improvement and ultimately reward! Thanks for not taking it as an attack, makes me feel like I didn't waste 15 minutes of my life!

Honestly though, my best advise would definately be to open up whatever image editor it is you use, AFTER you have brainstormed on paper with a good old fashioned pen / pencil. Staring at a blank photoshop image is the worst thing for giving you a creative block, learn to make photoshop do what you want it to do as opposed to letting it dictate/limit you and your half way there.



Hey there!

I saw what you did for Venicia and I have to admit: that is pretty awesome.
I actually made myself a title screen but this is way not good as yours are (and I'm talking about the animated one)

That's why I am asking now if it would be possible that you do me one of those animated titles, too?

1.) The name of the game
"The Witch Hunter"

2.) The subtitle, if there is one
no subtitle

3.) Any concept art you have available (if any)

4.) A description
everything should be very sinistre and dark. maybe you could create something based on my title screen I posted above. But it actually should be something quite new - I don't want to give too many guidelines. I'd like that witchhunter I posted above to fade in on the right side. the background could be some kind of landscape at night or maybe a castle or anything like that - only dark and a bit creepy. As a font it would be perfect to use something that actually seems old, cligraphical fonts for example. something similar to my title screen ;) And, if possible, some dust flying over the screen.

5.) Dimensions (XP or VX or some other resolution)
XP (640x480 px)

6.) What do you need? Title screen? Logo? Title w/scripts? Don't care?
A title - as I said - which should be animated (if possible... please! ;D)

7.) The general theme of the game (Is another game similar? What is the art style? What is the genre?)
maybe you know "The Witcher". My game is not like this one but the atmospheres are quite similar.

Your help would be great!
Thanks so much in advance,

Of course. There's still Gods Ahoy ahead of yours, so it may take a little while. I'd rather take my time on these to make them proper.

Scripts for my titles are free for commercial use even by other artists, if you want to change graphics. That said, keep requesting because my goal is to learn a few more scripting tricks as well as art styles.
Well, I'd like to request something here, please.

1.) The Gifted Child
2.) Destiny and Fate of a young child
3.) Well, I need this character pic to be in: http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/4054 ... 13030s.png
4.) Well, I don't really need anything specific but I'd like the character to be covered (her face and body being not clear) and the text is preferably in gold.
5.) XP
6.) Logo
7.) It's a fantasy/romance/drama.
There are two in front of you, but I'll gladly do this. Please allow about 2 days for each request. I'll take up to 5 active at any given time.
Thank you so much for the title! It's amazing. I'd love to give you some critique on it, but I'm no Artist, so all I can say is that I love it. Well anyway, thank you again.
1)Shikagun Gems 1
2)Rise Of Shikagun
3)No concept art
4)for the style just make it any fantasy style you can think of.
@ Mooglelow - I'd love to take your request, but I'm afraid I simply don't have enough information. Please edit the post and give me more to work with, and I'll gladly make one for you. I need some information on the story, main character, something to inspire some art more than "just another title screen". My requirements are simple, but i.m.o. your answers for 3. and 4. and 7. are simply not enough to go by.

Either provide more information, or I'll have to decline.

1.) Soupnazi - God's Ahoy
2.) dylanf3 - Sanu Ferrus
3.) Redman - Witchhunter
4.) Love - The Gifted Child
5.) Mooglelow - Shikagun Gems 1 - if he give me more info.

That's five. The workshop status is now processing until further updates. Should have more slots available tonight or tommorow.

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