At first I wanted to transpose Venice in the Enterbrain RTP style, but finally, I opted for something less...real.
So here we are, like 60 hours later, with some unsual houses soaking in the city channels.
Strange architecture, I know. I tried to mix elements from the basic medieval architecture we can see in the Northen Europe with some others coming from Estern regions (Minor Asia, India).
I hope the final render is not too much eclectic, far from me the idea of a simple patchwork, I tried to be selective.
I will not describe the in-game background (it must have been hard enough to read my english so far), but the little flying jellyfish replace the streelight when comes the night.
So, as the day slowly falls beyond the moutains, another light takes place, and reveal to our eyes the last boats slipping in silence between houses.
We are in cast composed society (didnt'I mentionned India ?), and even if we cant really differentiate the characters, those without tatoos and hat are the lower cast, some kind of slaves.
Between other things, they drive the upper class throught the streets, the way Charon did with the dead on the Styx. I hope the position and move of the characters would have let this analogy appear to your eyes without being said^^
November 2010, ~60h on RPG MAKER XP & Photoshop CS3.