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The Screenshot Thread

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qcqm2001":155tf0r0 said:
the girl loolks painful,maybe she need some pain killer
I think a hud shoudn't kill fps first
the yellow bar shows she's breathing?

http://bbs.66rpg.com/upload_program/fil ... 757888.png[/img]
In order to prevent being mistaken as reproduced, I added in the upper right corner of some letters
I will be a long period of the picture in the 66 rpg  Until I found a better place to upload :thumb:
Capture the correct action figures & Ensure that the buildings do not like to repeat are diffcult things :tongue2:

No need to doublepost, chief.
That only flashes when she is damage by environmental or physical damage, the entire HUD is animated.

No, the game won't lag. I will make sure of that. Made the mistake of letting stuff get out of hand with my last demo and found out the reason of lag, so i've made a goal to have the game lag free.

No, the yellow bar is Endurance, endurance is simply a reconstructed concept of mana. Basically since dragoons can't literally cast magic unlike other said classes that exist within the realm of my game, they can't use spells. So instead she exerts endurance to preform skills, which make her END bar decrease as it regenerates over time as endurance in a human would. This will cause the player to be more strategic with skills they use, while making the game more challenging since you will only have a constant 100 END the whole game.



Hmmm, so why don't you change the X/100 by a X%?
I think the cave walls need a bit of shading, it looks a bit flat at the corners...
~R~":2j5lcjbw said:
Hmmm, so why don't you change the X/100 by a X%?
I think the cave walls need a bit of shading, it looks a bit flat at the corners...
Thanks for the comment, I'll mention that to my scripter. And I'll make a note to talk to my spriter as well. I appreciate the feedback.
sorry for doublepost
delete one please~:crazy:
The abs battle system is done by a rpg-making group named Bluefire Group,maybe someone need it
This is my deep space map, which has a few custom objects not shown in this particular screenshot. All the space rocks scattered everywhere are animated to 'float', looks better in-game, and also, the light gets brighter the farther up you move.

I created the side-stairs, they work pretty smoothly took alot of adjusting to make it look like the character wasn't 'falling off' the stairs or walking above 'em. As silly as it sounds, I'm going to try to make side stairs for most of the RTP tilesets, because they add that much more depth to things.

Using Ccoa's weather script for the space debris flying around the screen. Enjoy :thumb:

http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... aceMap.png[/img]
King Red Of Pancakes":22ovwlyw said:
I'm not liking the template for characters there. It's hard to make out details on it.

What.  That character template is original.  Not as in made by her but original as in unique.  I also like how the message window looks.
GrooveMan.exe":u09h3iy6 said:
The filtering and lens flare is a bit much. I wouldn't expect it to affect the HUD, either.

I forgot to change the mapname HUD z to something > 500 (so it's above Spriteset_Map's pictures viewport, which is at 500), but I think the whole thing is fitting to the scene, even with the faded HUD. The character wakes up in dark space, to the point where its almost pitch black, and the light starts slowly breaking through in real time as he progresses futher (or gets darker when he back tracks)

The farther you progress, the map gets brighter and brighter and the light is supposed to filter in to the point where you can no longer see, because you're staring directly into the sun :thumb:

...Its just a scene effect :P
Kain Nobel, that looks pretty good. I'd just get rid of the tiles on the higher ledge in the staircase.

Wumpi, that looks great. I love how the outlines make it "pop". Just lose the shitty grass.

Twin Matrix, that's pretty awesome. You should have some sort of transition from the base of the plants to the ground though. A clump of dirt would be fine.
@Sonata: Thanks. :) But.. Huh? Your advice is good, but I don't think it's applicable to that specific screenshot. The plants are walking on sticks; and in fact the left one is jumping in mid-air (they jump-walk). Unless you think I should make a small bump of dirt go poof when they hit the ground with their sticks? (I just thought of that while typing, so forget my previous statement of it not being applicable.)

@Keinaru: Wow so many pretty dirt textures. What fog did you throw over the map? It looks kind of misty~!



This is a screenshot of a camp for a small project I'm working on. I don't really know how to use any of that fog shit so if someone could help me with that that would be great. Telling me how to improve would also be a great help, shit rip it to shreds if it makes you feel better. Also tell me if you think that I should make it bigger it's a camp set in a forest called Forever Forest.


Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm only using RTP (unless someone would like to toss some custom ones my way ^_^)
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