Skie Fortress
Some of the autotile edges stand out in a bad way, but I suppose you'll be fixing that anyway. I like the style overall. It's a nice twist on the painfully overused RTP, so I definitely welcome a change.
Calibre":3dxixulv said:This is a test Ive been working on for a bit trying to get the rtp sprited tilesets to give the impression they've been painted, and sort of a cel look like in the Tales games. It's still really rough round the edges while I find a consistent method to do it for all tilesets and autotiles so they match.
Does it look much different to normal rtp? Does it look worth it? Good / Bad? Does it look like it's just been run through a single filter (because I've actually had to paint a fair bit manually.)
(And how did Shifter just get banned between writing that??)