Yeah...I can't really tell that's the floor. It looks like the wall with different color. Have you tried adding shadow underneath the floor? That might help
It looks nice so far. I really like the detail you did with the door. That must be a lot of work :S
You'll add shadow to the metalic stuffs on the houses roof later on right? Because right now I think it looks like they're just there but not really part of the houses or the map.
That's really beautiful! O_O
I mean, seriously. It's really stunning. The color, the composition...Everything is just right. I checked the website you gave and realized that it's the game Heveanly Fallen For You! So much changed that I can't recognize it. XD
Keep up the good work!
Though it's not square, the shadow doesn't really go along with it quite well. But since it's autoshadow, I don't know if there's a way to fix that :S And the wall looks a bit strange, like there's a space between them. The wall I'm talking about is 3 tiles from the hero to the right, and then 1 tile to the north. Other than that this is beautiful. I like blue :P
@Skie Fortress
This looks nice. One thing I'm wondering about is the character picture size...If someone as big as the person on the right appear , wouldn't it be too crowded? IMO you should go with just one person appeared at a time in the middle with character picture this size, but that's up to you

If I were making an rpg game this would probably be my choice of conversation scene too since I don't like making maps lol
I watched the video, and I really like the window effect when you're calling the menu screen. Though I think Damien's face clashes with the other faces you use, I don't think it's that big of the problem. What battle system are you using?