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The Screenshot Thread

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Awesome Bro

But that's totally going against the point of using VX. Don't get me wrong, it's an excellent discovery, but it's just not what I'd do. I'm sure others will find it helpful, though.
Actually a lot of people really don't like the VX maps so if you could recreate maps from XP that would be great.
What script did you use login?
Ahh, I like those kind of hills/grass ground. But yes, it has a lot of unnaturally straight parts to it, quite box-like. The external graphic there though, some of them seem a little out of place, especially the hanging plants on the top half. I think it's mainly due to the highlighted part of the plant being over-contrastly bright, so darkening those white-ish parts might help.  :smile:



@$t3v0 and icesplosion:
Thanks guys!
As for the script I'm using, it's actually two: One writes XP map data to a text file, and another interpets it and uses it in VX.
However, it still needs a lot of work (auto-tile compatability, inclusion of terrain tags, etc.), so I probably won't be releasing it any time soon.
Thanks for the C&C reives and regimos. I guess ill work on the add ons a bit more. Im still tinkering them, and thats part of the reason i posted this here, to get a decent idea of how they look. I guess i chose to bright of a color for the inside.  I'll tone them down a bit and then come back.
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