A screen from a wip tileset. Some things by mack, some rtp and some custom.
In case anyone wants to know, the protagonist - the guy you see there - is blind to a certain degree. Everything he sees is a big fog, really. You'll be able to see that when a cutscene occurs, as you will be watching from his eyes. Everything will have a blur around it. Well, pictures, that is. That's what will mainly be used to show cutscenes. Hundreds and thousands of pictures. I might've exaggerated a bit there :P
Anyway, comments?
In case anyone wants to know, the protagonist - the guy you see there - is blind to a certain degree. Everything he sees is a big fog, really. You'll be able to see that when a cutscene occurs, as you will be watching from his eyes. Everything will have a blur around it. Well, pictures, that is. That's what will mainly be used to show cutscenes. Hundreds and thousands of pictures. I might've exaggerated a bit there :P
Anyway, comments?