I only saw your map now.
For one who is a bit rusty, as you said, this is really good, I don't think you've lost your touch yet.
If I may ask, is this from an actual project? One more thing, did you quit Arias Lust?
Anyway, sorry for my curiousity. Your mapping is great as always.
Your maps are really simple, there's nothing great on them, however, I like it. They offer a nice atmosphere. Don't take this as an offense, I honestly like them, even though they are simple. Keep on it.
@Skie Fortress
That is some real nice spriting, I really like the style.
Remembers me those classic games. I wish you keep on this.
Good luck.
I might be wrong, but you are using Rpg Maker 2003 isn't it?
Anyway, I think the graphics at least are from Rpg Maker 2003, I gotta admit, I really never liked those graphics, even though, your mapping is great, and makes me like the graphics, at leasts, not be bothered by them. Keep it up.
When I first saw your project, I thought it wouldn't last a month, I personally dislike MMOs, at least most of them, that's only my opnion though. It looks like you are putting some real effort on you game, that's admirable. I wish you the best of luck. By the way, you're aiming to release commercially right?