Please hold while I go grab my DS and stuff...
While I go get this...question and suggestion.
Question: Is the FC different for every game on the DS? I really don't want to pop in every online game I own, lol.
Suggestion: I own Steam, it would be cool to add some people from this forum. :P
Ok, grabbing DS and Wii info now. *puts on Jepardy music*
Wii#: 0743 1822 6329 9822 (nickname is Joey, the online game I own is Battalion Wars 2, you can throw in Geometry Wars Galaxies and MP3: Corruption if you want to...and Smash Bros. when that comes out this Sunday)
Advance Wars: DoR - 386676
LoZ: PH - 021604216397
Animal Crossing: WW - 184759327369
My name on here (all DS games except PH) is Joey(c). How do you do a copyright symbol on here anyway? (online games I own, Advance Wars: DoR, LoZ: PH, and Animal Crossing: WW)