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no one, i sorta think. It would be kinda weird either way to choose someone i'd have sex with because i knew them a bit over the forums (then again I'm probably not as much connected to others here as much as some like ven or wyatt). Also, few my age and i don't trust people enough either way so hey.
When I'm at work I answer "This is [insert my name here]", on personal phones I answer "hello"
I always sound super cheerful on the phone; a carry-over from when I was a receptionist.
what caused the worst physical pain you ever experienced?
Earlier this year I was in a car accident that fucked me up bad. I could barely move for weeks, and I'm still in physical therapy for all kinds of shits.
What's your favorite thing about yourself? Physical, personality-wise, whatever.
I'm a perfectionist. Nothing I do can amount to the ridiculous standards I set for myself; nothing is ever "good enough". I'm a lot better than I used to be but it's still really frustrating when I'm writing or drawing and I see what I've done to think that it's never good enough for me. Even when deep down I know that it's a decent piece of work, I still feel like I have to be the best at everythng I do. blech.
what popular tourist destination do you have no desire to visit?