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The Get to Know You Game

Bonus Poll: How much do you like your fellow members?

  • Neutral. I don't think of other members here much, if at all, though they're mostly alright.

    Votes: 5 7.6%
  • Some. I like a few people, but otherwise I don't know many well.

    Votes: 21 31.8%
  • Quite a bit. They're cool, for internet people.

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Very much. I'd consider more than a few of them real friends.

    Votes: 11 16.7%
  • Apathetic. I don't care about any of the members here at all.

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Not much. Most of the members here annoy me.

    Votes: 4 6.1%
  • Not at all. Why do I even come here :/?

    Votes: 2 3.0%

  • Total voters



There's a relevant thought in my head right now but I'm afraid to post it. I don't look good in stupidity.

You can have one thing brought to the real world brought from your nightmares; what is it?


Awesome Bro

Depends which friend really, and to be honest, I don't feel like dying anytime soon...

Cake or death? ... PS. We're out of cake.
No offense Jbrist but I can't live with being unsatisfied. :sad:

Would you pick living in a dream world in a coma for the rest of your life where everything seems perfect(but you know its all fake) , or waking up and having a hard life but being proud of yourself?
I think I'd pick the coma option. If it were a truly immersive dream-world I guess, with the full span of emotions, sensations, etc. If it were just basically involving a stream of my typical non-sensical dreams then nah. People are always depicted as becoming bored or listless with perfection but the world is a big place, and so is my imagination, and I just don't think I'd tire of it. Plus it's not like I'm immortal; I'd live it out for ~50 years or so then just die one day, without ever going through being old, or sick, etc. Doesn't sound shitty!

If you could be super best bros with any celebrity, who would it be (note: you wouldn't get any of their money)?
Ian fucking McShane. He's played the most ruthless and interesting of dirty villainry ever. A consummate scoundrel. He could prolly talk a hooker into giving a freebie and then again for his friend. Seriously sharing drinks with Al Swearingen what can beat that? Also Ven check out Pillars of the Earth on Starz you will not be disappointed. Ian McShane plays a dirty bishop. Al Swearingen sans the cocksuckers, which was prolly sacrificed for a wider vocab.

If you had to be a car what car would you be?



Id be a beetle. So cute. Beep Beep ^__^

Would you do me if you had the chance?
depends. are you female, are you moderate attractive, do you have a good personality and don't bitch about shit, do you have an asian fetish, a place to do it, and two million fourty seven thousand and twenty two dollars to give me?

if all of the above are yes, then yes.

What is your ideal height and why?



Hehehe I was kidding ;)

My ideal hight is 4ft 9 inches.

What is your favorite curseword?


Awesome Bro


... Actually, along with Woody and all the other Toy Story cast, I loved 'em all!

I also used to play with my Action Man toys a lot.

Pizza or Spaghetti?

Thank you for viewing

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