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the crybaby hacker

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why doesn't someone just restore the latest mysql forum database?
..that is if backups were made and if they were recent...

sorry, erk just posted right before i posted this
just ignore what i said
Why did you all flame my topic. Screw your fucking forums.


anyway....I hope there was a backup or that the change can be erased or whatever.
I don't know who or why this person was flamed, but I hope he/she realizes that dozens of people who originally had nothing to do with this arguement are now very pissed at him/her... Way to make "friends".

To answer the hacker's question: Probably because you are a freaking retard, seeing how you reacted... now gtfo you're not wanted here.

EDIT: Thanks Erk, I will be waiting for the backup. And then all this kid's efforts will have been in vain. :)
xenometal said:
I don't know who or why this person was flamed, but I hope he/she realizes that dozens of people who originally had nothing to do with this arguement are now very pissed at him/her... Way to make "friends".

To answer the hacker's question: Probably because you are a freaking retard, seeing how you reacted... now gtfo you're not wanted here.

Wait.... "Friends"....

Could it be that kid that skipped a grade? His topic was flamed, mainly for acting like an arrogant snot. I'm not accusing him... But it's just a thought.
It might just be Danton Lavergne because his thread, is one of the only places to have recently been posted in before this took place. But then again saying it was himself would be pretty damn stupid!
yeah first i was like 'why did someone edit my posts in my topic' then i noticed that all posts were changed...well this is gonna piss off alot of people
I think that's how most people found out Ice, it's how I found out. I have my doubts about Danton, mainly because he generally was a decent guy who had friends on this forum.
I tried to use the wayback machine to find out what happened momments before the hack but it doesn't seem to work with forums. Only website updates.



This is pretty fucking bad. EVERY SINGLE TOPIC IS RUINED. We pretty much have to just lock everything and start over from scratch or something (unless there's a backup cache of this forums made).

I can only imagine how many pissed off people there are who had game topics or posted scripts or something.



If it's possible to change the posts of EVERY MEMBER in a short amount of time, I doubt the security of this forum. I don't know jack about MySQL or whatever language this is written in, but such an easy breach in the code makes me kind of wary.
is it really danton?
I don't think he's such a lamer...
beside, who's been flamed up the last 6 hours? (I guess from the start of the world cup...)
This is pretty fucking bad. EVERY SINGLE TOPIC IS RUINED. We pretty much have to just lock everything and start over from scratch or something (unless there's a backup cache of this forums made).

"It was appparently Danton Lavergne, and we are looking into restoring a backup."
This Sucks....
Everyones posts were edited, how is that even possible!?
Good thing I just hadnt spended an hour making my game topic like I had planned. Phew.
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