Tales of Symphonia I'd say, regardless of the crap story, it had some good characters, and more important, the battle system was awesome. Game was a bit on the easy site though, except for the collesuem challenge against Faroe and such, which I did very underleveled with Lloyd, Genis and Raine :x Yet, that was the best fight in the entire game.
But it featured variation, had neat little puzzles, and the graphics style was quite unique too.
The story still wasn't a masterpiece, more like somewhere close to the opposite if you count the voice acting too. However, it didn't take itself too seriously. Take Lloyd for example, he's not a character with a dark past, he has many obvious flaws, and yet he's enjoyable. That was agreat strenghth for ToS. The characters.
Also, the chibi characters are awesome. ToP wasn't very well playable though, yet it was nice for me to see ToS' roots.