:x On news: Due to laziness & well, trouble making the resources & such, I might limit the exploration on Towns & Certain Areas, Instead, the player will go on a separated Windows of the location he is & chooses the area he/she wants to visit, think of it like . . . Ar Tonelico & (if you've been paying attention to Ming's updates) Celestias Ferrum.
Also, the gameplay might be <sigh> limited in some puzzles & mini-games due to said system & if you're the type of person who despises long talks . . . . Soul Reaver may not be for you, The game now uses a similar Visual Novel-like scenes, where the player's decision affects the party's thoughts on the main character, not to mention it also affects the Player's Partner/Heroine, most of the scenes, will (not final) look like a Visual Novel's system ingame. (Mainly because I'd have to edit sprites for many expressions & it gets tiring working over & over again).
Also, 2 new features to be added (probably, I'm still thinking) would be the so called "Topic" Event & the . . . well, "Dream World" Events.
These two work similar, but in a different way >:x
The "Topic" Event system is just an average conversation, in which the player interacts with one of the Characters from his/her party by looking up for "Topics" like items around the world, these events will only be unlocked either in a savepoint camping, Town Inn or Headquarters, these little events, althou some might be . . . (to you guys) boring, they actually raise the chances of your little heroines to fall for you & to even unlock those porn scenes which I know you all want and love the most. :p Can't let you guys have those scenes that easily, which comes Part 2:
The "Dream World" systems, takes more of the "Visual Novel" Concept, the player chooses one of the Heroines and both go in a "Role-Playing-Like-Game", ;3 With each raising that Girl's value to the Main Character even higher, not to mention some skills can only be obtain from this events. :x Unfortunately, it requires a certain Value or "Trust" towards that specific heroine to go "deeper" into each episode. Althou it sounds like boring, the "Dream World" actually creates a different storyline that has nothing to do with the main one, so you don't have to worry about missing details, since I realize that you will all start to panic if something from one girl's dream world is discussed & the player gets lost. (lol). One can obtain from this Events New Skills, Weapons, Armors & Items and the chance to strengthen the bond between the Main Character & the Player's selected Heroine (& your precious "scenes" ;P).
Also note, that once the game is release, there are also some NPCs which you can also activate these Topics & Dream World Events & get your precious Scenes too, but your gonna have to be careful as it can . . . quite get your partner (depending thou) quite angry >__>;; & lower her value.
Also, what does this mean? Simple: You don't have to worry about been caught playing Soul Reaver & suddenly one of those "Scenes" comes out, you'll have to make a lot of work if you want those scenes.
:| Well, I guess that's that for what's planned & to also find & capture Ming when I see him, that is, when he's free thou . . . <__<||||
:x Ah, also, soon I'll have a steady "storyline" & the characters up there with new userbars for support :| along with *finally* the website itself.