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Sin and Punishment - Tons of new screens! :o

HQ2X filter?? I'm very curious about something... How do you apply the filter is it somekind of "script-thing"??? Does it uses the rmxp API instruction to call a dll in order to do that? Or do you have a duplicate of all the files one with HQ2X filter applied and other without it??
I really wanted to know!!

and good luck with your game



guess whos bumpin this

its not me

i like your new character but the art is eh???????stop adding shit and make the game you queeb
domowoj":zoha1ph6 said:
guess whos bumpin this

its not me

i like your new character but the art is eh???????stop adding shit and make the game you queeb

I AM!!!!!!

if you want somebody to blame here

blame my sister for not making art fast enough
blame zeriab for not helpin me scriptins soon enough


actually naw my entire team rocks (even if they're a little slow sometimes i totally forgive them cause they're doin it fer free)
This looks decent. Lovely art and stuff. But yes, I'm going to whine about the filters aswell. xD
I hate pixels, but the pixeled version there looks seriously better than the filter. I like to use filters and stuff myself too, but I don't know about that one, it looks all smudgy and shit. Just doesn't fit imo. I'd rather play a game with the rmxp rtp. :p
zealex":1zlx88uz said:
This looks decent. Lovely art and stuff. But yes, I'm going to whine about the filters aswell. xD
I hate pixels, but the pixeled version there looks seriously better than the filter. I like to use filters and stuff myself too, but I don't know about that one, it looks all smudgy and shit. Just doesn't fit imo. I'd rather play a game with the rmxp rtp. :p

I dunno why everybody and their mother misses this but you can turn the filters off!
lol my bad, didn't notice it for some reason. I thought you had already used the filter on the tilesets and stuff previously, not in the game. :eek: Anyway it's ok then. :p



I love the art. It really works well with how that awesome picture as the very first thing you see.
I can't wait to play the game.

I do wonder why people miss that you can turn the filter on and off. I had no problem seeing it. (Then again, I knew about the filter before reading this topic. I hope Diss won't be too pissed about me not reading this topic before now >_>)

Good work Diss :D

- Zeriab
Added some new art - Put up a new title for the thread with vastly superior lettering and Jesca's drawing has been updated with the gun fixed




Yo, Diss! I'm really digging the art and the screen shots. The game's come far from when I last played it.

Speaking of that, when do we get to play it again? *nudge* :diss:
^Really love that map and non-tile water integration. The water reflection was slightly confusing at first glance though - I think upping the reflection's brightness a bit (and/or blurring it) in contrast to the actual land it is reflecting would clear that right up, and it'd be a quick fix. c: I see some very delicate planning going on here; kudos and good luck with it.



I'd like to say sorry, in advance for my really empty feedback here, Dissonance but I think your game looks very solid, I agree with Asch's post about the railings in the Aqueduct Hall kind of rubbing me off the wrong way as well. Also, the waterfalls look pretty bad. I mean, it just doesn't flow, y'know?

I think they're (trees and such) a tad bright compared to the grass.

To me, I think that the hud for your battle system doesn't seem to (how do I say it... err...) match the style of your game. I don't mean like matching the filter you're using for your game but it's just that I just don't think it meshes with your game, y'know? Ah fuck, I suck at explaining. Haha.

Don't mind me, I'm just being a bit of a nitpicky fuck. :cute: But yeah, I think your game looks pretty solid and I'm definitely hoping for a demo of S&P to come out. Keep going. :biggrin:
A lot of this post will probably come out severely unprofessional, but hey, I don't frequent the Project Forums much so this is sort of a first adventure for me so you'll just have to suck it up :(

As I expressed in IRC, I feel like the screenshot from Tilapia Forest needs to be worked on - as the reflection in the lake is hard to differentiate from the shore, which just made me confused from looking at it. Other than that, in terms of screen shots - it feels like the style of the tiles in some of them is way different than the tiles in others, which just generally feels inconsistent. I feel the same way about some of your character art (particularly Demian, who just seems totally off from everyone else)

I do really like your plot though, as generally it's the sort of thing I like to play. The major plus is it gives your game major replayability, which is really important to me; and should be an essential part of RPGs IMO. A lot of games fall short on this though, unfortunately.

Anyway, yes - I'll be waiting anxiously for a demo of this :grin:
Didn't really read any of the other posts, so I'm just gonna give my opinion...

The game looks okay. I see lack of a hook to draw me into the game in the Plot section so it looks sort of generic (3 heroes, 1 villan). I also see some minor tileset clashes (they vary from one-an-other, brightness and shadows off).

Overall I'd say keep up the work, and make the project thread more better looking. Best of luck.
MukanshinBlack":hd3psswg said:
The game looks okay. I see lack of a hook to draw me into the game in the Plot section so it looks sort of generic (3 heroes, 1 villan).

I think you may have misread something. There's more than three main characters and there is no single main villain. And the option to play several, mostly separate stories isn't a good enough hook for you? :(

and make the project thread more better looking.

i like how this doesn't mean anything at all. how does the thread not look good? I think it looks a lot better than most project threads out there. It doesn't overuse spoilers, there's plenty of info, it's easily navigable... I don't see how it doesn't look good.

whoops it looks like im just trying to discredit your opinions sorry, but im really not trying to!!!!!

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