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Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP - Version 2.2xp

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A big thank you for making this script! Although it was working fine until this error popped up:

Script 'Sideview 1' line 210: ArgumentError occurred.

wrong number of arguments(3 for 2)

I have no idea what that means because I'm not that good with scripts :/



Incompatibility with another script you using probably.

And i didn't make this script, it was made by Enu, i just ported it from VX to XP



Hi Atoa, This battle system is very cool, I use it for my game, but I have a same error with Radioactive.
Enemies with bow shot backwards.Please help me atoa!



Thanks to Radioactive, I totally discontinuing this system.
This systems bugs are really annoying me, since i'm not the original author there's a lot of thing i cant solve.
Also, I'm tired of idiot people talk a lot of shit to me because of this system, I'm here doing a FAVOR giving support and people act like i have an obligation to solve all their problems.

Radioactive":1uxlh3h3 said:
This bs equals awesomness, but you are a retarded brute, with a high ego level too...not to mention you are a prick.Long ago you were a beginner too, but whatever I don't think you remember that time.

I'm no longer supporting this script. He won't be updated anymore, the bugs with won't be fixed.
Atoa, Thank you so much for translating this awesome system to XP, what a bad thing Radioactive caused you to discontinue your support on the script but well, life is as it is, thanks anyway!
Atoa, first let me begin by saying thank you for everything you have done in working with/supporting this script. It is extremely useful.

Secondly, I have to ask, does anyone know of anyone who is capable of fixing some of the bugs in this script? I seem to have come across a particularly negative bug that I wonder if anyone else has encountered.

When I engage in battle, about 95% of the time it works flawlessly. The battlers do what their supposed to do. Even my add-ons like modern_algebra's advanced skill options work with it. I use most of the add-ons that come with and have put a lot of effort into implementing them into my game.

The problem comes with the other 5% of the battles. Every once in awhile when I choose the "attack" command, the most basic element of any battle, the game will freeze. There is no error message, and the actors/enemies continue their animated movement, but no attack occurs and no one can use any moves. The game simply stops, and I just hear the music and see my little actors and monsters walking in place. At first I thought it had something to do with the dual-wield script, because it happened with a dual-wield character a few times. Then I noticed that it happened with other characters as well.

It is quite a problem, and I've already put an immense amount of effort into working this into my game. I THINK, with some help, that I have narrowed it down to a possible problem with these scripts:

  # * Frame Update (actor command phase : basic command)


  def update_phase3_basic_command

    # If B button was pressed

    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

      # Play cancel SE


      # Go to command input for previous actor




    # If C button was pressed

    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

      # Branch by actor command window cursor position

      case @actor_command_window.index

      when 0  # attack

        # Play decision SE


        # Set action

        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0

        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 0

        # Start enemy selection


      when 1  # skill

        # Play decision SE


        # Set action

        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1

        # Start skill selection


      when 2  # guard

        # Play decision SE


        # Set action

        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 0

        @active_battler.current_action.basic = 1

        # Go to command input for next actor


      when 3  # item

        # Play decision SE


        # Set action

        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 2

        # Start item selection





 alias acbs_update_phase4_step2_atb update_phase4_step2

  def update_phase4_step2

    @active_battler.defense_pose = false

    if @active_battler.cast_action != nil

      active_cast = @active_battler.cast_action

      if active_cast.scope == 1 or active_cast.scope == 3 or active_cast.scope == 5

        @active_battler.current_action.target_index = @active_battler.cast_target


      if active_cast.is_a?(RPG::Skill)

        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 1

        @active_battler.current_action.skill_id = @active_battler.cast_action.id

      elsif active_cast.is_a?(RPG::Item) 

        @active_battler.current_action.kind = 2

        @active_battler.current_action.item_id = @active_battler.cast_action.id



    for state in @active_battler.battler_states

      @active_battler.remove_state(state.id) if state.extension.include?("ZEROTURNLIFT")





However, I'll be honest, my scripting abilities are not very high. I think, since these deal with the attack sequence, I thought they would be the best places to start. With my limited knowledge though, I cannot seem to find what may be causing the freezing.

It is really debilitating for the game, has anyone else experienced a similar problem?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give.
Great Script !
But how to use the Target Animation of Enemy Database ? Please help me this, because I made many many Enemy, and set the Target Animation for them...

Sr first, but when I cast an item to raise the SP, there is no text like "9999 SP" or etc... show me how much SP was risen
I read the comment in Script, and I saw a line to change colour of that SP text , but in the Battle, I can't see any SP text
So... please help me this :(
Thanks !

Sr first, but when I cast an item to raise the SP, there is no text like "9999 SP" or etc... show me how much SP was risen
I read the comment in Script, and I saw a line to change colour of that SP text , but in the Battle, I can't see any SP text
So... please help me this :(
Thanks !

Ahhh... no replies.... >"<

When being attacked, my enemies ( or characters ) can't cast the Magic or sometimes they do nothing :-/ I've just found the reason : that's Damage Limit Add - on :( that's the reason cause the bug >.<
Please show me the way to fix it :( the Damage Limit is great, I can't remove it




1. I want to get the of the preset hp and s/mp text and just keep the image.
2. I want overdrive and multi attack to work (with overdrive you can use it without the bar filling up/ with multi attack it just attacks once)

**I have tried to fix them myself but only end up failing, if anyone can help i would be grateful**




Even i'm saying that i will not give support to this system anymore, some idiots still sending PM with more idiot actions.

I have NO OBLIGATION to help, i'm doing a favor, but there's still idiot people that don't understand this.

If anyone want to give a thanks for the jerk that made me totally remove the tankentai from here, here is the guy
krazorblade":tcdgliiw said:
Man, it's a very good script, but you don't give a shit... Why did you stop the supporting? Because you are a lazy ass?

Look, I don't understand why are you so mean, but YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.
I didn't ask for rewrite of the full script, I just asked what cause it, jeez. If you would say what cause it, I could fix it, maybe.

BTW all the other Sideview battle system is a piece of shit. You won't be able to write a better one, so support this script by fixing its bugs.

I really don't give a shit to this system anymore, this damn script gave me only headaches. I wanted to help and all i've got was noobs talking shit to me.
Even if it's true you told them not to send you more MP's because you won't support your script anymore, that doesn't mean you should start calling them names. After all they're your fans, you don't want to kill them!

Even if that guy said such stupid things, because that's what they are, not all of your fans think or treat you so. I know it's quite a burden to keep getting bugs reports but hey, that was one of the things you expected from them!

I don't remember anymore how many times I've read replies telling me this or that thing could also be done with events. Yeah, but who cares? If there were no options, no alternatives, this would be quite boring. What I'm trying to tell you is that you aren't the first or the last one who's gonna get bugged by other forumers. Remember that some or many of them aren't even mature enough to be here but this forum is meant for almost everybody. The only thing you can do is accept the reality as is, don't expect more from them than what they can actually offer to you (if they do).
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