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Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP - Version 2.2xp

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Thanks for the help beforehand, i finally figured it out.

I have a few more questions, the kinda stuff thats just there for looks and polishing.

Could you make a script let add on that replaces the attack button with a flashing 'overdrive' button when overdrive becomes usable? I really don't like the feeling of going into spells to cast overdrive, i feel its not really meant to be there. A 'overdrive' written over the attack would look much more professional.

When the bar timer fills and the command window comes up, when you make an action, life pauses for the one character to make the one action, is there a way to continuously make life go on, even when there is an action being performed?

Thanks for reading and thanks for this great system, i don't really have any complaints at all, only suggestions.

edit: Also, one more thing,
Is there a way to move the command window? I cannot for the life of me figure out the location in your scripts to move it. I would also like to be able to change the font, and size of the font if possible.

Thanks again.
Thanks Atoa! One tiny question -> how do I change the cursor? For example the default Tankentai cursor? I know I can change the windowskin, but how would I pull it off with pictures?

Here is the cursor that's included in the VX version.



^3 different frames, it's animated.

In the new version, skills dont work properly anymore. When I have a character cast Cure, nothing happens and the battle just continues.

Then you have skills like Physical Reflect. THe character starts with the casting animation, and the game just freezes, meaning the battle stops and you just keep looking at the animated character ready to cast the skill.

Lastly, but that's for everyone that doesnt have the script figured out yet, when you place the Individual Battle Commands above Main, the Skill command does not show up as default. You'll have to set it.

But for the above two bugs, I have no idea what it means...



I'm not going to do custom scripts like these.
I'm only providing an deafult system, customization is up to you ;D

lol '-' i've tested all skills and get no problems, you noticed theses problems direct on the demo?

About the cursor, by default the cursor is the one on the window skin.
You should look for animated cursor scripts.

They will problably work fine if they're well coded (if they don't overwites lot's of methods)

About individual battle commands, this warn is in the script header, so only the ones that don't read the instructions will have problems.

Tomorrow i'll post the versio 1.8 (the feedback hera and in RRR are really helping me to solve minor and major glitches)



Script updated to V1.8xp

I hope that everything works fine now, since i won't update this scripts for a long time (Working on my own CBS xD)



if you need a hand translating it to english let me know k :eek:?
Atm, I'm away from home, and I should be back at sunday or so, my comments in regard to the script updates etc will only come whne I actually get to a comp with access to rmxp @_@.
There is a Bug: Maybe in the Special Equipment System - Item menü (1.7/1.8)

When u try to consume a Item (ex. a Portion).
The Count of the Item don´t change.. and it make a diz sound when u try to use it.

I remember, in the Version 1.5/1.6 it worked fine.

Thanks 4 this great CBS!



@ deathbethecost
If you want the default window, just remove the Add-On "Battle Windows" '-'

well i'll check it.

EDIT.: Script updated to fix the "can't use item in menu" bug
I'm not so sure if someone has already addressed this but I can't get this script series to work with the SDK. It eliminates the characters on the right (Heroes) and puts the original battle graphics under the square images of the heroes. Technically it is just going back to the DBS. The enemies remain as side-view enemies though.



This script is 100% not compatible with SDK
I'm not going to make this script SDK, and if someone else don't do this... you'll have to get rid of SDK to use...

It easier to make the SDK-Scripts scripts NON-SDK than make this script SDK.

OFF.: i hate SDK. it don't allow you to use most of the good japanese scripts, it makes easier to the scripters, but make things harder for the ppl who uses the script.
And well, what is most important to a scritp? Being easier to be done, or being easier to use and more compatible?
Uh, quick question. I put the script above main, below everything else, but when I try a test battle, it just shows a normal one, instead of a side view. Any Help? Sorry if this has already been posted, but I don't think i saw it here.



you put *the script*? (in singular, so only one script)
This system has *four* core scripts (that must be placed in the same order as it is in the demo),and lots of add-ons, if you copy only one scripts you won't get anything.

Just du *exactly* like the demo, and if it's possible, use the demo as base of your projetc.
Okay, I got it. Thanks! But... Now when I test a battle, the characters are on the right and the enemies are in front. Anyway to fix this? Sorry if some of these questions o' mine are a bit stupid.
I'm using this script with SDK 2.3 and have found some compatibility issues.
I keep on recieving:
Script '*Sideview 2' line 3200: Argument Error occurred.
wrong number of arguments(0 for 4)
Deleting the SDK fixes this problem, but I think I have other scripts that need the SDK to work.
i know you must think im ignorant, yes i know it should work if i deleate the battle windows, but it doesnt. :( dont be mad

edit:i wasnt lying about the faces, i was messing with the demo for fun and found you cant turn faces off... please dont be mad at me for re-pointing this out, i really do love this script and would love for you to allow me to ask for help in the future if i need it.



i said 4 post before yours that this scripts *is not compatible with SDK*.
Atoa four posts before yours":1tnjocsa said:
This script is 100% not compatible with SDK
I'm not going to make this script SDK, and if someone else don't do this... you'll have to get rid of SDK to use...

It easier to make the SDK-Scripts scripts NON-SDK than make this script SDK.

Pay atention to this part: "It easier to make the SDK-Scripts scripts NON-SDK than make this script SDK."

The enemies positions muts bet set by *you* in the troops tab of database, and remember that you must use sideviw graphics. Don't expect the script to chage the RTP Graphics to an side view style...
If you still having problems, post an image.

No one is mad here '-' (at last for now...)
it was a just an fast and direct answer.
Sorry about not reading the posts before mine; that was a stupid mistake.
Otherwise, your script is excellent and I am very pleased with it.



here's an error when Skill Sword miss at the first hit


The character remain there not going back to the position. can you fix it?

EDIT: Happened when it's hit enemy too
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