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Short Story Writing -- The Results Are Here!!!

Vote for the author of the best story.

  • Banette

    Votes: 5 38.5%
  • Love

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • Guardian

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
Short Story Writing '08

And the results:

Judge Ratings

AbyssalLord (me)


Originality: 9
Detail/Description: 10
Interesting: 10
Grammar/Spelling: 7
Comments: Excellent story.  Almost a perfect score.  The plotline lacked a bit in originality, but the characters' names
and the twist at the end brought it from a 7 to a nine.


Originality: 6
Detail/Description: 5
Interesting: 4
Grammar/Spelling: 3
Comments: I know my review is pretty critical, but I understand that you are a 12 year old from Egypt.  Unfortunately,
I have to be impartial when judging, so I graded it like everyone else's.  If you would like help with your writing,
please feel free to ask me as I would love to help you in any way I can. 


Originality: 9
Detail/Description: 10
Interesting: 10
Grammar/Spelling: 5
Comments: Very good and very professional.  You lost a point for originality because the theme of Atlantis is a bit
overused.  You only lost one point, though, because your version is the most original I have seen/read.  You lost some points in grammar/spelling.  In the first few paragraphs, there were several, rather boring, statements, and you started
almost every sentence with "He" or "Him."  There were also multiple spelling errors throughout the story.


Originality: 8
Detail/Description: 10
Interesting: 10
Grammar/Spelling: 7
Comments: Very good story. Professionally written. I have seen stories similar to it before, however.

Originality: 7
Detail/Description: 6
Interesting: 3
Grammar/Spelling: 4
Comments: Not very interesting, and way too many comma splices and run-on sentences. Ending was rushed.

Originality: 9
Detail/Description: 10
Interesting: 10
Grammar/Spelling: 7
Comments: Seems incomplete, but that just adds to the story by making the reader wonder what comes next. Perfect grammatically.

My Mom (she doesn't have an account, but I asked her to be a judge because she is a good writer)

Banette -

Originality: 9
Detail/Description: 10
Interesting: 10
Grammar/Spelling: 7
Comments: I thought that your story was excellent.  It held my interest from beginning to end.  Your attention to detail and vivid descriptions allowed me to picture the story in my mind.  You have a wonderful writing style.  Keep up the great work!

Love -

Originality: 7
Detail/Description: 7
Interesting: 8
Grammar/Spelling: 3
Comments: What a wonderful story you wrote!  It captured my interest right from the start and held it until the end.  The story flowed smoothly and was quite descriptive.  You do need to work on your grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills.  Many of your sentences are run-ons and some words were used incorrectly ("conciseness" instead of "consciousness").  However, taking into consideration that you are 12 years old, and English is your second language, I feel that you did an excellent job and show much promise as a writer!

Guardian -

Originality: 9
Detail/Description: 7
Interesting: 7
Grammar/Spelling: 5
Comments: Your story was very good, but I found it a bit difficult to follow at times.  Your transitions need to be a little smoother (for example, "As he continued walking, a loud whoop resounded...").  For better writing style, try not to begin each sentences in a paragraph with the same word (He, His).  Also, be more careful with your spelling (use spellcheck before submitting your work!!!).  All in all, I found your story interesting and imaginative.

The long awaited results:


Congrats Banette for your excellent story writing!  I look forward to working on your game!


Sillas had his good days, and his bad days. Hell, he certainly had his share of horrible days, too.

Today would have to be one of those horrible days.

His knight's armor gleamed in the fading light of day as he stood in front of the door way, from which the oak door had been violently ripped off its hinges. It now leaned onto the frame, as if to bar the way.

What...happened here?

His golden brown eyes scanned the area around his home for any sign of the vandal, but found no one. He brushed a hand through his jet black hair, his other hand pushing the wrecked door away from the splintered wooden frame.

He dreaded to take that first step inside his own home. The smell that drifted to his nose – a mix of singed wood and the sickly sweet scent of something vaguely metallic – made him double over almost immediately, his stomach threatening to retch.

After taking a moment to regain his composure, he walked over the burnt cinders that was his old table, around the hunk of charred wood that was his workbench, to the doorway that lead to his room. Unlike the rest of his home, which had been torched until it was beyond recognition, his room was still eerily intact.

At least, he thought so, until he saw a wrapped bundle laying on the sheets of his bed.

“No.... NO!â€
This is the perfect way to get one of stories made into a game.  I'm extremely busy with my main game, so I wouldn't be able to do this until . . . next year.  Anyway, I have a question: if a story is submitted early enough, will you give some feedback?

Depends on what you are looking for.  I can't tell you how to rewrite a section of your story, but I can give you tips on how to improve. 

If this seems unfair to anyone, remember, I am not being exclusive to any one person.  I will help anyone who asks.
I usually don't have many problems with what I'm saying, but how I'm saying it.  I just need someone to make sure nothing is confusing.  I'll get to work on this either today or tomorrow.  I was planning on putting this short story into my book, anyway, so I won't feel like I'm doing something just for the contest and it'll be a higher priority.

Here is the link.
I dont know why the laugh but they say it cute.
I enter
Read what i have post and not the rule.
Question=Am i the 1st or the 2nd to enter this short story contest.
Wow Colonist, you give up too easily.  Gratheo, glad to have you in the competition!

@Guardian - Thanks, I appreciate it that you read the rules.
I might try and make this, won't have much time but still, it's all good fun.
Question though, if it was to be made into a game, would the writer be in any part of making it, or just writing it?



The prize is a game made by you?  And I get the full credit?

I don't even know what your games are like.

What should happen if it turns out the game is so bad I don't even want credit?
@006 - The main idea is that the writer would write it, and I would make it, but I see no reason that the writer cannot work on it too if said writer would like.

@Rare - My games are generally good, and you will see it before it is released.  So, you get the final call. 

EDIT: I've updated the process of choosing the winner.  I've now included the breakdown of the scoring.

Thank you for viewing

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