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Script Edits and Combatabilty Request Here! Also Normal Reques (Taking Request!)

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Good for you! Want any VX scripts whiped up? I can make you your veryown if you want!


Changed this threads title to also display that I do do normal request.
Good for you! Want any VX scripts whiped up? I can make you your veryown if you want!


Changed this threads title to also display that I do do normal request.

Unfortunatly, I don't have VX, but i support what ur doing 100%, and expect to hear from me again.  :thumb:
Anytime guitar! As my first customer you will always be welcomed here! I do do XP but my skills in that department are limited. I can help you but In VX I make badass awsome scripts unlike in XP were I havn't even made a single script! So It's just a matter of abilty not my lack of carring =D.


Err never done it before but I can give it a shot!
Yes, Necro could you convert the remaining MOGHUNTER Menus from XP to VX? I'm looking for the Equip, Item & Skills menus.

EDIT: Haha just teasing. I've already converted these scripts. Other than that I don't have any requests yet, but I'm sure in time I will find some.
Haha dude. I have already converted them to VX so there is no need at all.

Actually what you can look at is how to set up more than one supportive character for the Crissaegrim system, but have these characters auto battle.
Selacius":wccfsblr said:
Haha dude. I have already converted them to VX so there is no need at all.

Actually what you can look at is how to set up more than one supportive character for the Crissaegrim system, but have these characters auto battle.

You should post a few of those here man! I'v wanted some of them! It would be cool to get my hands on them. In exchange I'll help you out with your problem =D.
I know you prefer working with VX, but I did have a small compatibility issue between two of my scripts in XP if you could be so kind as to help me out.  I'm trying to get a vision script to work with f0tz!baerchen's pixelmovement script.  Basically, the vision script still tries to measure in tiles as opposed to pixels, so I believe it's just a matter of changing a value of 1 to 32, though I'm not too familiar with RGSS myself.  If you can help me I'll will definitely be sure to credit you.  Btw, I think a request topic is awesome, I wish more people would be willing to do this sort of thing to help us less talented people.  :thumb:

#Cone of Vision
#Version: 0.5
#Written by:  lobosque

#the switch to be activated when the event see the hero. false if none
SWITCH = false

class Game_Character
  attr_reader :cone
  attr_reader :prev_x
  attr_reader :prev_y
  attr_reader :prev_dir
  attr_accessor :sight

  alias conesys_gamecharacter_initialize initialize
  def initialize
    @cone = []
    @sight = 0
  def get_cone(sight = 7)
    cone = []
    @sight = sight
    #This algorithim makes the cone using a 2d array
    case self.direction
    when 2 #down
      #change to line = 1 to add the first square
      line = 0
      cone.push([self.x,self.y + 1])
      factor = 1
      #now comes the routine to make the cone
      while line < sight
        line += 1
        cone.push([self.x,self.y + line])
        1.upto(factor) do |a|
          cone.push([self.x - a,self.y + line])
          cone.push([self.x + a,self.y + line])
        factor += 1
    when 4 #left
      line = 0
      cone.push([self.x - 1,self.y])
      factor = 1
      #now comes the routine to make the cone
      while line < sight
        line += 1
        cone.push([self.x - line,self.y])
        1.upto(factor) do |a|
          cone.push([self.x - line,self.y - a])
          cone.push([self.x - line,self.y + a])
        factor += 1
      when 6 #right
      line = 0
      cone.push([self.x + 1,self.y])
      factor = 1
      #now comes the routine to make the cone
      while line < sight
        line += 1
        cone.push([self.x + line,self.y])
        1.upto(factor) do |a|
          cone.push([self.x + line,self.y - a])
          cone.push([self.x + line,self.y + a])
        factor += 1
    when 8 #up
      #change to line = 1 to add the first square
      line = 0
      cone.push([self.x,self.y + 1])
      factor = 1
      #now comes the routine to make the cone
      while line < sight
        line += 1
        cone.push([self.x,self.y - line])
        1.upto(factor) do |a|
          cone.push([self.x - a,self.y - line])
          cone.push([self.x + a,self.y - line])
        factor += 1

  #here any tile that is covered by an obstacle is removed
  #from the cone
  def cone_obstacles(cone)
    for i in 0..cone.length
      if cone[i] != nil
        if !$game_map.passable?(cone[i][0], cone[i][1], 0)
          case self.direction
          when 2 #down
            #the diference between the sight and the obstacle position
            limit = self.sight - (cone[i][1] - self.y)
            position = 1
            #to make the read easier
            index = cone.index([cone[i][0],cone[i][1] + 1])
            cone[index] = nil if index != nil
            factor = 1
            #now comes the routine to remove the bloked tiles
              while position < limit
              position += 1
              index = cone.index([cone[i][0],cone[i][1] + position])
              cone[index] = nil if index != nil
                1.upto(factor) do |a|
                  index = cone.index([cone[i][0] - a,cone[i][1] + position])
                  cone[index] = nil if index != nil
                  index = cone.index([cone[i][0] + a,cone[i][1] + position])
                  cone[index] = nil if index != nil
              factor += 1
          when 4 #left
            #the diference between the sight and the obstacle position
            limit = self.sight - (self.x - cone[i][0])
            position = 1
            #to make the read easier
            index = cone.index([cone[i][0] - 1,cone[i][1]])
            cone[index] = nil if index != nil
            factor = 1
            #now comes the routine to remove the bloked tiles
            while position < limit
              position += 1
              index = cone.index([cone[i][0] - position,cone[i][1]])
              cone[index] = nil if index != nil
                1.upto(factor) do |a|
                  index = cone.index([cone[i][0] - position,cone[i][1] - a])
                  cone[index] = nil if index != nil
                  index = cone.index([cone[i][0] - position,cone[i][1] + a])
                  cone[index] = nil if index != nil
              factor += 1
          when 6 #right
            #the diference between the sight and the obstacle position
            limit = self.sight - (cone[i][0] - self.x)
            position = 1
            #to make the read easier
            index = cone.index([cone[i][0] + 1,cone[i][1]])
            cone[index] = nil if index != nil
            factor = 1
            #now comes the routine to remove the bloked tiles
              while position < limit
              position += 1
              index = cone.index([cone[i][0] + position,cone[i][1]])
              cone[index] = nil if index != nil
                1.upto(factor) do |a|
                  index = cone.index([cone[i][0] + position,cone[i][1] - a])
                  cone[index] = nil if index != nil
                  index = cone.index([cone[i][0] + position,cone[i][1] + a])
                  cone[index] = nil if index != nil
            factor += 1
          when 8 #up
            #the diference between the sight and the obstacle position
            limit = self.sight - (self.y - cone[i][1])
            position = 1
            #to make the read easier
            index = cone.index([cone[i][0],cone[i][1] - 1])
            cone[index] = nil if index != nil
            factor = 1
            #now comes the routine to remove the bloked tiles
              while position < limit
              position += 1
              index = cone.index([cone[i][0],cone[i][1] - position])
              cone[index] = nil if index != nil
                1.upto(factor) do |a|
                  index = cone.index([cone[i][0] - a,cone[i][1] - position])
                  cone[index] = nil if index != nil
                  index = cone.index([cone[i][0] + a,cone[i][1] - position])
                  cone[index] = nil if index != nil
              factor += 1
    #update the variables used to check the need of a refresh
    @prev_x = self.x
    @prev_y = self.y
    @prev_dir = self.direction
    @cone = cone

  def in_cone
    #return false if the event do not have a cone
    if cone != []
      #now it checks if the actual position of the hero is inside the cone
      for i in 0...cone.length
        if cone[i] != nil
          if $game_player.x == cone[i][0] && $game_player.y == cone[i][1]
           @in_range = true
           $game_map.need_refresh = true

class Game_Event < Game_Character

  attr_reader :has_cone
  alias conesys_gameevent_initialize initialize
  alias old_touch check_event_trigger_touch
  alias old_auto check_event_trigger_auto
  def initialize(map_id, event)
    #a flag that tells if the event is cone-following-enabled or not
    @has_cone = false
    conesys_gameevent_initialize(map_id, event)
    #start the cone routine.
  def add_cone(sight = 7)
    @has_cone = true
    #stop the "cone following"
  def stop_cone
    @has_cone = false

class Game_Player < Game_Character
  alias conesys_gameplayer_update update
  def update
  def check_cone
    #check if the event has a cone
    for i in $game_map.events.keys
      event = $game_map.events[i]
      if event.has_cone && $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
        #check if the player is inside the cone of vision and make the
        #event follow him
        #update the cone if the event moved or the direction is different
        if event.x != event.prev_x || event.y != event.prev_y || event.direction != event.prev_dir

(link to pixelmovement topic, too big to post script here)
Hmmm well do this. Put the pixle one above the clone of site. This will change ther regestery from tiles to pixles as the script its trying to do. Change all of the factors and portions that say 1 (Meaning 1 tile) into 32 if it gives you any less or any more issues tell me. As of now I'm converting over some of the MOG scripts. Even though Selacius has some of them, I'm going to thorw my own twist on them.

Sorry if My info dosn't help. I'm not firmilier with the Pilxle scripts and not with XP but I'll do what I can... Btw If you have any VX scripts you want EDITED I can do that in a matter of minutes =D! Btw I edited the Upgrade Weapns script (Forget the creator I would have to check my cridets) It alows you to edit the individual stats of each (IE insted of upgrading the whole weapon's stats you can upgrade just one of the indivdual stats.) If anyone is interested I'll start making an archive of my edits and post them here. They ARE ment for my games but I can customize them backwords a bit to make them compatable with the everyday game =D.

Keep up the request and I'll see what I can do. All this dose it make me better and better as we go along!
Hmmm well do this. Put the pixle one above the clone of site. This will change ther regestery from tiles to pixles as the script its trying to do. Change all of the factors and portions that say 1 (Meaning 1 tile) into 32 if it gives you any less or any more issues tell me.

Already have the scripts in that order, doesn't make a difference.  And I have already tried to alter it myself, but like I said, I'm pretty new to scripting.  If this were something I could have done myself, I wouldn't have posted.  Believe me, I tried.  :dead:
Pixle Script is uncompatable... Sorry. You would need to re wright the whole script for it. I don't have the time or the knowlage with XP to this I'm very sorry.. :sad: you would need to change it becuse the Pixle script COMPLEATLY rewrites how the game is looking at the squares. People have this issue with ABS and this script to. You see most people use this script and they build a game around it. IE the side action battle ABS thing that uses it in XP. So its not a combinding script, its a base script. Sorry for the bad news but you might have to chuck one of your scripts.
If it isn’t too much trouble, I’d like a larger party + party switching script to be integrated with Mog’s menu script. Basically, what I want is to be able to have about 10 people in my party at once, and in order to switch the places of the characters, I’d want it be pretty simple.

Like, having a small arrow on the side of one character, pressing the spacebar key, moving the arrow down to the character you want to switch with, and then pressing spacebar again to switch their places.


DEMO for MOG Menu Script

Thats an XP script and as Necro stated he would prefer to work with VX.

Anyways Necro, I want you to look into something for me with the Crissaegrim ABS. Are there variations in enemy stats? It seems that I kill any enemy that has 100HP after dealing like 70 or 140 damage. So I dunno if the game adjusts it or not.
Hey man, I found a slight error with the Mog-Scene_File script you made. It works great and everything, but if you save to file 4 or 5, then go to continue, and scroll up or down, the positioning of the save pics get all retarded and move with the cursor. I don't know if this is a big problem for you to fix this, but I'm assuming it's a simple code error, or a couple lines of it need to be inserted. I don't know if you have thrown away the old one, but if you want, i can upload mine so you can see.

@Superman Prime

Ugh another XP... I can do it and Infact in this case I have some experiance with this script! Infact I was able to edit this one quite a bit. But That was the VX version that has been trasferd... (lol) So I'll see what I can do. They should be simmaler so I should be able to do it easy. Give me awhile though. VX comes before XP and I got a VX from Selacius! XD.


1. Where can I get the MOG Scripts >=D. I want them but cant find them! You said you had them. Could you give them to me =D. I would be very thankful.

2. As for your problem are you useing my Decay on Defence Addon? I had this problem to and I fixed it in my Decay on Defence Addon. If you have the addon and It still wroks I'll check it out.


GUH! I just tried it and got the same issue. It has something to do with when it saves the index. You see when it reloads I automaticly gose to the file that you last saved/loaded. BUT the screen is set to be based on the 1,2,3 file display. I'll just have to see how the index is labled (Again, I know this in VX but will have to look at it in XP). I can mostlikely have this done today. Sorry For the issue! Nothing I do seems to wrok on the first try! =D.
GUH! I just tried it and got the same issue. It has something to do with when it saves the index. You see when it reloads I automaticly gose to the file that you last saved/loaded. BUT the screen is set to be based on the 1,2,3 file display. I'll just have to see how the index is labled (Again, I know this in VX but will have to look at it in XP). I can mostlikely have this done today. Sorry For the issue! Nothing I do seems to wrok on the first try! =D.

Lol. Take your time. There's no rush. Also, i have a task i think you may or may not be able to help me with. If you can't of course though, it's ok. I need an options menu. I know there's some out there, but everyone I've tried has some sort of bug or is to complicated to edit. Before i go into details though, I want to a least know if you'll be able to take me up on this. I'm also sorry if I keep bothering you for XP scripts, but it's all I have, and you've helped me out a lot so far, so consider it a complement.  :thumb:
WOOT! There you go! This script now makes it so the index is always 0 so that It always starts on the First File! Personaly I like how I'v edited this script and I wish I was using it myself = ( oh well. I'm a VX man so no such luck. Might convert it, or if someone else has a converted file it would be much ablidged.

Anyway heres the script. Also Since I'm such a nice guy I added another save file giving you a total of 6!

Also Please give cridet were cridet is due!

Necro_100000's MOG Save Screne Addon! Ver. 1.1

# MOG Scene File Ayumi V1.2         
# By Moghunter 
# http://www.atelier-rgss.com
module MOG
#Transition Time.
MSVT = 30
#Transition Type.
MSVTT = "006-Stripe02"
$mogscript = {} if $mogscript == nil
$mogscript["menu_ayumi"] = true
# Window_Base #
class Window_Base < Window
def drw_win_file(x,y)
dwf = RPG::Cache.picture("Win_File")
cw = dwf.width
ch = dwf.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x , y - ch, dwf, src_rect)   
def nada
face = RPG::Cache.picture("")
def draw_heroface3(actor,x,y)
face = RPG::Cache.picture(actor.name + "_fc3") rescue nada
cw = face.width
ch = face.height
src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)
self.contents.blt(x , y - ch, face, src_rect)   
def draw_actor_level6(actor, x, y)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 1, y + 1, 32, 32, "Lv") 
self.contents.font.color = system_color
self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 32, 32, "Lv")
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 17, y + 1, 24, 32, actor.level.to_s, 2)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 16, y, 24, 32, actor.level.to_s, 2)
def draw_actor_name6(actor, x, y)
self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 1, y + 1, 100, 32, actor.name,1) 
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 100, 32, actor.name,1)
# Game_Map #
class Game_Map
def map_name
@mapinfo = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata") if @mapinfo == nil
return @mapinfo[@map_id].name
# Window_SaveFile #
class Window_SaveFile < Window_Base
  attr_reader  :filename               
  attr_reader  :selected               
  def initialize(file_index, filename)
    super(0, 64 + file_index * 138, 640, 240)   
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32) 
    self.opacity = 0
    @file_index = file_index
    @filename = "Save#{@file_index + 1}.rxdata"
    @time_stamp = Time.at(0)
    @file_exist = FileTest.exist?(@filename)
    if @file_exist
      file = File.open(@filename, "r")
      @time_stamp = file.mtime
      @characters = Marshal.load(file)
      @frame_count = Marshal.load(file)
      @game_system = Marshal.load(file)
      @game_switches = Marshal.load(file)
      @game_variables = Marshal.load(file)
      @game_self_switches = Marshal.load(file)
      @game_screen = Marshal.load(file)
      @game_actors = Marshal.load(file)
      @game_party = Marshal.load(file)
      @game_troop = Marshal.load(file)
      @game_map = Marshal.load(file)
      @total_sec = @frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate
    @wiref = 0
    @selected = false
  def refresh
    self.contents.font.name = "Georgia"
    name = "#{@file_index + 1}"
    self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
    self.contents.draw_text(161, 41, 600, 32, name)
    self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
    self.contents.draw_text(160, 40, 600, 32, name)   
    @name_width = contents.text_size(name).width
    if @file_exist
      for i in 0...@characters.size
        bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@characters[0], @characters[1])
        cw = bitmap.rect.width / 4
        ch = bitmap.rect.height / 4
        src_rect = Rect.new(cw * @wiref + 1 , 0, cw, ch)
        x = 300 - @characters.size + i * 64 - cw / 4
        self.contents.blt(x - 10, 150 - ch, bitmap, src_rect)
        x = 116
        actors = @game_party.actors
        for i in 0...[actors.size, 4].min
        x    = i * 60
        actor = actors       
        self.contents.font.size = 20
        draw_actor_level6(actor, x + 280, 140)
        actor = actors[0]   
        draw_actor_name6(actor, 160, 155)
        self.contents.font.size = 22
      hour = @total_sec / 60 / 60
      min = @total_sec / 60 % 60
      sec = @total_sec % 60
      time_string = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", hour, min, sec)
      self.contents.font.color = Color.new(0,0,0,255)
      self.contents.draw_text(5, 41, 450, 32, time_string, 2)
      self.contents.draw_text(41 , 141, 120 , 32, @game_map.map_name.to_s)
      self.contents.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
      self.contents.draw_text(40 , 140, 120 , 32, @game_map.map_name.to_s) 
      self.contents.draw_text(4, 40, 450, 32, time_string, 2) 
  def selected=(selected)
    @selected = selected
# Scene_File #
class Scene_File
  def initialize(help_text)
    @help_text = help_text
  def main
    @mnback = Plane.new
    @mnback.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("MN_BK")
    @mnback.z = 1
    @mnlay = Sprite.new
    @mnlay.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("Lay_File.PNG")
    @mnlay.z = 2
    @help_window = Window_Help.new
    @help_window.opacity = 0
    @savefile_windows = []
    for i in 0..5
      @savefile_windows.push(Window_SaveFile.new(i, make_filename(i)))
    @file_index = 0
    @savefile_windows[@file_index].selected = true
    @savefile_windows[0].y = 40   
    @savefile_windows[1].y= 140
    @savefile_windows[2].y= 240
    @savefile_windows[3].y= 340
    @savefile_windows[4].y= 440
    @savefile_windows[5].y= 540
    @win_move_time = 0
    @win_move = 0
    @win_dire = 0
    @win_opac = 255
    @win1_y = 0
    @win2_y = 0
    @win3_y = 0
    @win4_y = 0
    @win5_y = 0
    if @file_index = 3
      @savefile_windows[0].y = -240
      @savefile_windows[1].y = -140
      @savefile_windows[2].y = -40
      @savefile_windows[3].y = 40
      @savefile_windows[4].y = 140
      @savefile_windows[5].y = 240
    if @file_index = 4
      @savefile_windows[0].y = -340
      @savefile_windows[1].y = -240
      @savefile_windows[2].y = -140
      @savefile_windows[3].y = 40
      @savefile_windows[4].y = 140
      @savefile_windows[5].y = 240
    if @file_index = 5
      @savefile_windows[0].y = -440
      @savefile_windows[1].y = -340
      @savefile_windows[2].y = -240
      @savefile_windows[3].y = -140
      @savefile_windows[4].y = -40
      @savefile_windows[5].y = 40
    Graphics.transition(MOG::MSVT, "Graphics/Transitions/" + MOG::MSVTT)
    loop do
      if $scene != self
    for i in 0..50
    @mnback.ox += 1
    @savefile_windows[0].x += 10   
    @savefile_windows[1].x -= 10
    @savefile_windows[2].x += 10
    @savefile_windows[3].x -= 10
    @savefile_windows[4].x += 10
    @savefile_windows[5].x -= 10
    for i in @savefile_windows
    i.contents_opacity -= 5
    for i in @savefile_windows
  def update
    @mnback.ox += 1
    @win_opac += 3
    @win_move_time += 1   
    if @win_opac > 254
      @win_opac = 150
    if @win_move_time > 60
    @win_dire += 1
    @win_move_time = 0   
    if @win_dire > 1
      @win_dire = 0
    if @win_dire == 0
      @win_move += 1
      @win_move -= 1
    if @file_index == 0
    @savefile_windows[0].z = 4 
    @savefile_windows[1].z = 3
    @savefile_windows[2].z = 2 
    @savefile_windows[3].z = 1
    @savefile_windows[4].z = 0
    @savefile_windows[5].z = 0
    @savefile_windows[0].x = @win_move
    @savefile_windows[1].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[1].x= 0
    @savefile_windows[2].x = 0 
    @savefile_windows[3].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[4].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[5].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[0].contents_opacity = @win_opac
    @savefile_windows[1].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[2].contents_opacity =  130
    @savefile_windows[3].contents_opacity =  130
    @savefile_windows[4].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[5].contents_opacity = 130
    elsif @file_index == 1
    @savefile_windows[0].z = 0 
    @savefile_windows[1].z = 1
    @savefile_windows[2].z = 2
    @savefile_windows[3].z = 1
    @savefile_windows[4].z = 0
    @savefile_windows[5].z = 0
    @savefile_windows[0].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[1].x = @win_move
    @savefile_windows[2].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[3].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[4].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[5].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[0].contents_opacity =  130
    @savefile_windows[1].contents_opacity = @win_opac
    @savefile_windows[2].contents_opacity =  130
    @savefile_windows[3].contents_opacity =  130
    @savefile_windows[4].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[5].contents_opacity = 130
    elsif @file_index == 2
    @savefile_windows[0].z = 0 
    @savefile_windows[1].z = 1
    @savefile_windows[2].z = 2
    @savefile_windows[3].z = 1
    @savefile_windows[4].z = 0
    @savefile_windows[5].z = 0
    @savefile_windows[0].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[1].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[2].x = @win_move
    @savefile_windows[3].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[4].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[5].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[0].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[1].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[2].contents_opacity = @win_opac
    @savefile_windows[3].contents_opacity =  130
    @savefile_windows[4].contents_opacity = 130
        @savefile_windows[5].contents_opacity = 130
    elsif @file_index == 3
    @savefile_windows[0].z = 0 
    @savefile_windows[1].z = 1
    @savefile_windows[2].z = 2
    @savefile_windows[3].z = 3
    @savefile_windows[4].z = 2
    @savefile_windows[5].z = 1
    @savefile_windows[0].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[1].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[2].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[3].x = @win_move
    @savefile_windows[4].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[5].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[0].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[1].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[2].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[3].contents_opacity =  @win_opac
    @savefile_windows[4].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[5].contents_opacity = 130
    elsif @file_index == 4
    @savefile_windows[0].z = 0 
    @savefile_windows[1].z = 1
    @savefile_windows[2].z = 2
    @savefile_windows[3].z = 3
    @savefile_windows[4].z = 4
    @savefile_windows[5].z = 3
    @savefile_windows[0].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[1].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[2].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[3].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[4].x = @win_move
    @savefile_windows[5].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[0].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[1].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[2].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[3].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[4].contents_opacity =  @win_opac
    @savefile_windows[5].contents_opacity = 130 
    elsif @file_index == 5
    @savefile_windows[0].z = 0 
    @savefile_windows[1].z = 1
    @savefile_windows[2].z = 2
    @savefile_windows[3].z = 3
    @savefile_windows[4].z = 4
    @savefile_windows[5].z = 5
    @savefile_windows[0].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[1].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[2].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[3].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[4].x = 0
    @savefile_windows[5].x = @win_move
    @savefile_windows[0].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[1].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[2].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[3].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[4].contents_opacity = 130
    @savefile_windows[5].contents_opacity = @win_opac
    for i in @savefile_windows
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      $game_temp.last_file_index = @file_index
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
    if Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN)
      if Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) and @file_index < 5
        @savefile_windows[@file_index].selected = false
        @file_index = (@file_index + 1) % 6
        @savefile_windows[@file_index].selected = true
        for i in 0..5
            @savefile_windows.y = @savefile_windows.y - 100
    if Input.repeat?(Input::UP)
      if Input.trigger?(Input::UP) and @file_index > 0
        @savefile_windows[@file_index].selected = false
        @file_index = (@file_index - 1) % 6
        @savefile_windows[@file_index].selected = true
        for i in 0..5
            @savefile_windows.y = @savefile_windows.y + 100
  def make_filename(file_index)
    return "Save#{file_index + 1}.rxdata"

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