@ Raven - Yeah he's using the Ladder... and i sure didn't get the poem... but if i could get it that would be great...
Thank you for everyone that replied... you helped make our decision easier... thank you...
:: Begin Transmission ::
Where we last left our heroes... the Nefarious Project Ragnarok was beating them horribly... It kept attacking with "Uber Cool Cel-Shadingness of Death"... DarkSyDaZ attempted to answer with this piece.. Magnified at 800%
But was repelled... then Crazymew stepped in... and using his "OMGicantbelieveitR0X0RZ" attack... also Magnified at 800%..
But his attack failed... and the Nefarious Project Ragnarok Walked on... unscathed by our heroes valiant assault Well... after an extensive training session in the Hyperbolic Time chamber... Crazymew and DarkSyDaZ came out with some new type of power... HYBRID... by using a fusion technique very few have accomplished they pushed forward with their next Attack...
which is... *Gasph* Magnified at 800%...
Did their attack do it... you are the Judge in this Sprite Battle... Please leave a Comment...
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Added spoiler tags. In the future, please use spoiler tags for any really large images. Yikes, 56kers beware!! Also, for posts that are less than 24 hours apart, please use the EDIT button instead of doubleposting. ~Euph
Thank you for everyone that replied... you helped make our decision easier... thank you...
:: Begin Transmission ::
Where we last left our heroes... the Nefarious Project Ragnarok was beating them horribly... It kept attacking with "Uber Cool Cel-Shadingness of Death"... DarkSyDaZ attempted to answer with this piece.. Magnified at 800%
But was repelled... then Crazymew stepped in... and using his "OMGicantbelieveitR0X0RZ" attack... also Magnified at 800%..
But his attack failed... and the Nefarious Project Ragnarok Walked on... unscathed by our heroes valiant assault Well... after an extensive training session in the Hyperbolic Time chamber... Crazymew and DarkSyDaZ came out with some new type of power... HYBRID... by using a fusion technique very few have accomplished they pushed forward with their next Attack...
which is... *Gasph* Magnified at 800%...
Did their attack do it... you are the Judge in this Sprite Battle... Please leave a Comment...
:: Transmission Interrupted ::
Added spoiler tags. In the future, please use spoiler tags for any really large images. Yikes, 56kers beware!! Also, for posts that are less than 24 hours apart, please use the EDIT button instead of doubleposting. ~Euph