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Samurai Ragnarok Resources

@ Raven - Yeah he's using the Ladder... and i sure didn't get the poem... but if i could get it that would be great...

Thank you for everyone that replied... you helped make our decision easier... thank you...

:: Begin Transmission ::

Where we last left our heroes... the Nefarious Project Ragnarok was beating them horribly... It kept attacking with "Uber Cool Cel-Shadingness of Death"... DarkSyDaZ attempted to answer with this piece.. Magnified at 800%


But was repelled... then Crazymew stepped in... and using his "OMGicantbelieveitR0X0RZ" attack... also Magnified at 800%..


But his attack failed... and the Nefarious Project Ragnarok Walked on... unscathed by our heroes valiant assault Well... after an extensive training session in the Hyperbolic Time chamber... Crazymew and DarkSyDaZ came out with some new type of power... HYBRID... by using a fusion technique very few have accomplished they pushed forward with their next Attack...
which is... *Gasph* Magnified at 800%...

Did their attack do it... you are the Judge in this Sprite Battle... Please leave a Comment...

:: Transmission Interrupted ::

Added spoiler tags. In the future, please use spoiler tags for any really large images. Yikes, 56kers beware!! Also, for posts that are less than 24 hours apart, please use the EDIT button instead of doubleposting. ~Euph
Can you make them at 100%? Animated as well? It's fine to have them magnified, but in addition I'd like to see the original size animated, too.

My favorite... attack? would have to be the hybrid sprite. I'm still having qualms with his eyes though. Maybe try the first sprite's eyes on the third? Then again, if it's not going well with your art style, make him look less hung over. :)

#3 All the way!
Ok... for todays challenge... i've begun working on a sprite from scratch.. this Joseph sprite i think needs improvement... but it's the beginning of a walking phase... that will only been seen in the intro... and i wanted to get input from people in the forum..

Joseph without the shading, just pure colors
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... ph-SP1.gif[/IMG]

Joseph with shading 1 only
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... ph-SP2.gif[/IMG]

Joseph with shading 1 and 2 only
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... ph-SP3.gif[/IMG]

Joseph with shading 2 only
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... ph-SP4.gif[/IMG]

Please judge and leave comments... Thank you... your critiques are much appreciated...
Umm..the old sprite looked perfect, but, if you insist... I don't think the highlights on the hair should travel down the end, but be more of a crownish thing and go on the parts sticking out..

Sorry if its just me and some of things I see are not there, because I'm using my dads crappy monitors which are horrible at presenting sprites
Darksyd, I love all those little poses you did! With simple outlines they're fantastic for me to try and modify my own template to do similar poses, without shading confusing me. :)
you know, i have a template (not sure where it came from) that might work well for this. It fits the RTP size, quite well, and has proportions that are quite similar to what you seek, mainly a big head, big feet, and big hands. i can post it here if you want, or i can send it to you in a PM.
::Begin Transmission::

I began creating a new sprite based off of the half kaisers... Working with templates are kind of hard now that i see... but this is just the base, but i wanted to make sure that the base came out well...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... -Intro.gif[/IMG]
Intro Joseph

Constructive Critisizm Please
-Specifically the sword and sheath movement, Walking movement, and the strap on the back looks funny to me,

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... ntro-1.gif[/IMG]
Intro Joseph with animated hair...

Constructive Critisizm Please
-Specially on the Hair, amnimation wize.. thank you...

-To be added -
Hair(bangs), and scarf (GOD... that's the killer)

::i did the animation like this so people can get a good idea for how the sprite should flow and give a look at the shift between each frame in hopes to find an error::

@Crazymew - i think i found the edited joseph template that you did... but my computer can't open the file for some strange reason. I think Joseph might have to be redone...

@Alistor - Actually, i would like to see the template... either posting or PMing will do fine... thank you...

Updates coming soon

:: Transmission Interrupted ::
Lol... wow... i never thought that that would leak to the internet... i made that along time ago... LMAO... god.. i have the original, i loaded up a RMXP character under the template and created it using almost nothing but shapes... imagine the Irony huh... lol but whoever added all the colors... congrads... i originally made it red... but i didn't like that template so i made one specifically for ragnarok...

Have people been actually using that...? wow... i'm actually kind of flattered...
Alistor;185650 said:

There it is. Dunno where it came from, but it's the same size as the RTP, and looks ok with RTP Hair.

hahaha!!! you know... i actually created mikaboshi for darksy using that! how'd you get yer hands on it?

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