Well, BS777, I just don't go out and shout around with no proof. You need to know something about you're trying to defend about. Thats why I searched the net for information (although the sources weren't empirical cos' I only based on Wikipedia). I admit that I have my mistakes on my reported finds, I allow it to be corrected anyway.
Well, sometimes my eyes just skim parts (thats the no no part, so thanks for correcting my last research. Hey I'm applying what i've learned at school research and if your research is wrong, check it and go with whats really right) and I miss some. (Well I really just skimmed my research on Xbox 360, but what the hell I know I really did read the PS3 part! Hehehe... hey I'm someone who can do something perfectly.)
The PS3 is just expensive. If a miracle happens and makes all of the consoles priced at 100$, umm.. Sony will have to keep up with the demand. You know what I mean.
If its sales figures, I do know that PS3 is lagging behind but, due to money matters. Hey, not everyone can ask their parents for a PS3 and their parents will say "ok, dear we'll buy you one". The inequality stuff does affect people, I know, I notice some of my friends are not lucky enough for one.
The thread title is very vague though, PS3 vs. Xbox 360. I think its counted as one.