Why aren't you assholes playing Witcher III: Wild Hunt
It is one of the best games ever made
If you claim to like RPGs and don't play it your opinions have become invalid
If you didn't play I or II it's ok, just watch a quick synopsis of them on YouTube; this game is more about aligning with plotpoints from the books (you dont need to read them either though to get whats happening). Only like 3 things that happened in II matter at all in III; this is supposed to be a very different, unrelated adventure.
(The things to know about are listed here:
http://www.gamespot.com/articles/what-t ... 0-6427400/ )
The visuals are the best of any game I have ever seen. Every character, even down to the lowliest random NPC, has a unique and detailed face, fully capable of the full range of emotions -- you can actually identify and remember them by features alone; they even have unique body structures, heights, weights, and gaits. And there are umpteen billion types of creatures, from monsters to regular animals, and each of them have unique colorings, sizes, sounds, and features. And there are even more types of plants and flowers, most of which are harvestable.
And the crafting and level progression is complex and vast -- you can shape Geralt's abilities in hundreds of different ways, following whichever playing styles you prefer. And there are like a billion different things you can craft and a jillion ingredients and combinations (and ways to just BUY stuff instead, if you're heavy on coin but too impatient to make the shit you want).
And the missions are ... So varied! There are missions to hunt down monsters, sure -- you're a Witcher, after all. But there are "detective" styles of missions, where you have to figure out what happened and track down the perp. There are interrogation missions. There are missions I can't sum up into categories because they're made up of complex, well-thought-out steps & paths. Every little quest has a backstory, people who care about it, shit that makes YOU care about it, and polarizing paths you can take which shape Geralt, shit that happens in the world, and the opinions of NPCs around you.
Roll up in a town and everyone hates you because of what you are? Start doing missions that help them, and little by little, they begin to treat you better, say nicer shit to you, lower prices for you.
You get this feeling that the shit you do actually matters sometimes.
Want a complex story with complex, well-written characters? Look no further! The Witcher's plotlines have always been complicated, and this isn't any different. This time though, the women are better-written ... The governments' actions and the peoples' reactions make good sense ... There is background and detail on every minutia of each towns' cultures. Some people aren't what they seem, and hide it well. Others emote true human characteristics just through the way they act in dialogue. Good people have bad aspects to them. And vice versa. Nothing feels forced, it feels natural.
I am only a handful of hours into it but it's shaping up to be a 10/10. No, 11/10.
Good fucking job, CD Projekt Red. Best shit to come out of Poland since Chopin.