Boss is lending me his DK2 so I can start our VR research more formally. I went through a ton of games seeing their VR experiences.
I wouldn't say a single one of them was perfect. The Oculus' sit-down desk demo is the best demo right now.
Elite Dangerous would have been #1 definitely, but it suffers from really bad judder (it seems to be locked to 60 FPS despite detecting the Rift's 75Hz display, I think my primary monitor is confusing it).
It felt like I was actually sitting in a spaceship at times.
Team Fortress 2 was the most surprisingly playable game, I did TF2 before in the DK1 and weirdly I remember it feeling better in the DK1 (Higher FOV than DK2).
Ran piss-poor on my current machine. When the VR beast machine is assembled I'm sure it would be awesome :D