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Narcissus drowned because he tried to embrace (think "become") his reflection in the water. It's a allegory. The tragedy being that the mountain nymph Echo - who loved him and repeated everything he said - could have saved him except he had chased her away the day she spoke her own words instead of his.

Or it could be interpreted that once the thing reaffirming their identity is gone, people go through a crisis.

There's a homosexual version where he was actually in love with his reflection. See, Aminias was a male suitor that Narcissus sent a dagger. The message: Kill yourself; and the heartbroken Aminias did but not before praying to the gods it would teach him a lesson. The goddess Nemesis answered his prayer by luring Narcissus to the pool. Narcissus killed himself | Lost the will to live because his reflection couldn't love him back.

The name Aminias has something to do with grapes. I wonder if it's related or inspired the Aesop fable about the fox and the grapes. A fox tries to eat the grapes off a vine but can't reach them. Rather than admit defeat he says they were undesirable. Where the expression "Sour Grapes" comes from.
Perhaps Narcissus spurned Aminias love because Aminias had some quality that Narcissus didn't. For laughs, we'll say Aminia's dick was bigger and Narcissus plays second fiddle to no one, if you know what I mean.
Hmm, Narcissus is the name of a white flower and Aminias is used as a sub species name for butterfly and moths, particularly white ones. Kinda has a Snow White vibe to it. "Who's the fairest of them all." The queen's obsession and a magic mirror; ends in her destruction.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

I have 16.4 million reasons in my bank accounts why I'm ignoring all of that.
584.1 million reasons in various stock not to care. (Even Google, and Samsung)

Have you guys seen my front yard? It looks like something from Disney World. I wanted a maze in the backyard, but we didn't have adequate space for it. (I think I posted all of this already. LOL)

I 'improved' myself enough I'll say. 80% of the world's population will never have what I have from hard work. Sure movie stars & people born with golden spoons have more, but it's worthless. No value. It wasn't earned, it was given.

I'm 95% exactly who I wanted to be in life, maybe better. #1 in my family. Only thing left is to create an anime based on my primary Omega Force Hybrida story. All I plan on doing is directing, and voice acting the character who has my name. Hiring Japanese animators, sound designers, and musicians when it's time. I never wanted, or had the desire to animate my own cartoon/anime. Improving my personal artwork is like number 799 on the list of things I need to improve. Improving social skills with other humans is #1, but people really piss me off extremely easily.

I guess I will have to hire a-- wait for it... Assistant. Ohh, the irony... Ahahahahaha! ( I'll try not to throw stuff at her ).

My Superiority complex gets a bit out of hand. Vegeta had the same issues. So much alike.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Stop overreacting. People just got confused as always. I'll make it it clear. What ever I'm capable of, I'll do it alone. The impossible things I'm not capable of IE: Being 400 places at once, voicing female characters, sound creation, Etc. Obviously I can't do it and I won't. As stated.

Come on now try to keep up, or is it too much? Let me guess you guys thought I was going to create an enitre cartoon/Anime alone. That's impossible and beyond my limits. I'm just the director and creator. I've already written the entire story alone. The other shit isn't my job. It's why people hire people to do things they can't. That doesn't affect my ego. See below.

Example: Build a nuke (That's 100% me.)
Speak Japanese (That's impossible for me)

Regulate the temperature on this plutonium based reactor. (100% me)
Breast freed the baby. (That's impossible for me)

Repair the roof (100% me)
Do the landscaping ( That's my wife's specialty, also impossible for me )

Again if I can handle something alone, I will. If said goal absolutely requires many people, then I'll use those people. If goal can be completed without multiple people and is possible by me, you bet your ass I'm doing it alone. That clear up the irony?
I'm pretty much the same with doing as much as possible on my own. I will ask for help when it's needed, but if my goal needed the help of others to begin with then it wasn't a good goal for me.

I have that attitude for cost saving and scope management reasons.
I just got back from a four day vacation in California...on second thought, I probably could have really used the vacation time, despite the panic attack about 12 hours before we left.
I'm dog/house sitting so yesterday and today I've got no work done at all. It's good to have a break, when I return I will certainly have more energy to get things finished.

Browsed some communities after Nintendo Direct, it seems people are still enjoying Streetpass which is great for me as my game is Streetpass.

EDIT: One massive task that I'll need energy for is reimplementing TCP for my peer detection so peers can at-least attempt to send more information than just their IDs to each other. That way, peer discovery will be able to send complete data for two players to have a battle without needing to do some acrobatics confirming the battle outcome on the server and then figuring out when's best to insert the battle into each other's timelines.

Wifi P2P will certainly need this as you cannot connect to another device; you can only read broadcasted data. Bluetooth may have a way to insecurely connect and do data transfers, but from testing it seems that Wifi is way more reliable for detection than BLE.

EDIT2: There's still the problem with Wifi scans only happening once every now and then, so each data transfer could be 1 or 2 minutes apart. A very slow network.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

Last post was Friday, so I'll post something random for no reason:

Dazzle: I'm gon rape you. No escape fo' you human. What-choo gon Do? I'm gon pump my eggs into you. *Exposes tentacles*

Tyrell: Ahahaha. You sorrexian aliens talk similar to people I hang out with. Ahh, tentacles. I'm not into that. Sorry Hun I'm married. Later! *Teleports*

Dazzle: ... He can teleport? Dis changes every-ting. I'll paralyze him on sight next time..

I normally like alien girls, but Dazzle is a pass. She looks like a grey alien with cat like (green) eyes, spiky red hair, and (F cup) huge tits. 5 Retractable tentacles extend from the center of her back. Sorrexian females are known for abducting humans. Raping males and females... Unwanted penetration. Everything else is classified at this time...



I've got music in my head that I'd like to actually put to paper (or, some digital audio format, as it were) but if I have the know-how. It's really frustrating in the same way drawing or most other kinds of art is for me -- I know exactly what I want something to look or sound like, but when I make an effort to create it it never turns out the same. I'm aware that practice makes perfect and all that jazz; I can even tell I've gotten better over time. It's just discouraging how far away I seem to be from what I want to create.

Not exactly an uncommon problem for aspiring creators of anything ever, but a frustrating one nonetheless.



Haha, that might actually be fun to try. See if I can create some sort of a capella version. I've done some backup vocals like that before but nothing like Smooth McGroove does.


☆ Biggest Ego ☆

LOL! if you search the word 'megatons' on this site, 98% of the posts are mine.
That's totally awesome. Kinda of entertaining too... At least for me.
pretty sure i fractured my left arm. its completely fucked, seeing a doctor later today hopefully.

its so hard typing with only one hand, especially cus its the mouse hand

then again, using a mouse with left hand would be worse

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