... Anyway, America leads once again in Olympic gold medals. A display of American superiority versus the world. We lead while the rest of the planet follows. Enjoy your soccer, it's the only sport you can win at.
Other nations can bitch moan all day, but they'll always be 2nd best. If you guys think you're so tough, please do something about it... Yeah, it would be Suicide if you did. Complaining is all you can do. Y'all better recognize.
USA has 2,500 operational ICBM's rated at 20 megatons. Can reach anywhere on earth within 45 minutes. Enough to annihilate the world's population 5 times over. Can obliterate all of Canada in under 10 minutes. Deal with it. I suggest you non nuclear nations be behave.
Show a some respect to the most powerful Nation on Earth:
The United States of America!!
Other nations can bitch moan all day, but they'll always be 2nd best. If you guys think you're so tough, please do something about it... Yeah, it would be Suicide if you did. Complaining is all you can do. Y'all better recognize.
USA has 2,500 operational ICBM's rated at 20 megatons. Can reach anywhere on earth within 45 minutes. Enough to annihilate the world's population 5 times over. Can obliterate all of Canada in under 10 minutes. Deal with it. I suggest you non nuclear nations be behave.
Show a some respect to the most powerful Nation on Earth:
The United States of America!!