Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.
Like, in 20 years, I might be married and have kids, and they'll ask: "Dad, why do you visit a Home Brew Game Making website all day long?" And I won't have a good answer.
If this place does go down (which it won't (ever)) you can contact me at RPG Maker Web (Amy Pond) or IRC (irc.slacked.org #afar, #slackers; irc.synirc.com #rpgmaker, #rpgmaker.net, #hbgames).
A) Nobody is interested (Which makes me sad. At least give me a reason not to want to die guys, jeez)
B) I actually have to change my number cause I haven't paid my phone bill and they cut off that number. Don't worry though, New sims are inbound and everyone shall receive my number once they arrive
holy shit mssql server is the biggest cancer ever invented
i cant install this fucker for the life of me
always errors or crashes or some shit to make it not work even though im not retarded i know how to install this shit
microsoft level of pure shite will never cease to asound me
i have an assignment due tonight and ive spent the last day trying to get the fucker installed and it's stILL NOT DONE AND I ONLY HAVE 8 HOURS LEFT
I used MySQL server for all my stuff back in uni. The only thing that confused me about it was that there's no monitor or active server software or anything. It all runs silently in the background and all the management is done by connecting clients.