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Xilef":1h1s42iv said:
Princess Amy":1h1s42iv said:
It's pronounced See-star-asterix-unt.
That's not even the correct way to pronounce that word; I think you'll find it's actually See-asterix-ampersand-unt
Wtf I'm sure that's what I typed. I distinctly remember having to unautocorrect the word ampersand. Weird.
coyotecraft":3o7ygbg7 said:
Windows7 is trying to evolve.

Actually I'm okay with Windows 10. It's become much less buggy than it was when I first upgraded and it's definitely better than 8 or 8.1
one upon a time australia was going to have a fibre to the premises plan rolled out all across the country so everyone can have blazing fast speeds, and finally catch up to the rest of the world; speeds that will scale for years to come
then everything changed when the liberals attacked

its cheaper they said
its faster to deploy they said
a mixed copper and fibre network is what lots of other countries use so its a good idea dont worry bout it they said

dont worry, it'll only cost 30% of a fttp rollout, so we save lots of money and [insert economics here] rite?!
more than 40 billion dollars later, the plan is finally deployed at the same price as the fibre plan, due to having to fix existing copper installations and purchasing from telecommunications monopolies, and any australian who knows what a gigabyte is has died inside

we could have been something special, but no, they had to fuck it all right up didnt they? it was going to go so well, but nooo, people had to be retarded and assume that the liberal party is the better one to vote for because it isnt labor. mandatory voting is the biggest cancer ever invented. the fact that people still vote for these wankers fucks me right off, because they clearly don't understand shit about what theyre doing.

whats more is that the prime minister complained to the abc (australian broadcasting association) about how their coverage of his plan wasnt fair, and how they should research before presenting him in a negative light (because hur durr other countries have fttn implemented and theyre fine so stop being mean 2 me pls this is the right choice). the thing is, it doesnt take any research to know you fUCKED EVERYTHING RIGHT UP - JUST BECAUSE OTHER COUNTRIES ALREADY HAVE THIS IMPLEMENTED, DOESNT MEAN SKIMPING ON THE ABILITY TO FUTURE PROOF US FOR THE NEXT DECADE IS OKAY

its cheaper nope you fucked that one, you went so overbudget its not even funny
its faster to deploy you fucked this one as well, because you still had to repair a large percentage of the existing installations
congratulations for destroying that plan, no one needs fast internet anyway :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:



So Rainbow Six Siege is fun.

I had concerns about it initially, given that my game in the series was Vegas, but I'm actually enjoying the entirely first person perspective. I've been wanting to play a shooter that isn't CSGO for a while now and this scratches the itch quite well.
I. Hate. Windows. 10.

Finally finished updating. Just. Raghghgdhgasdgh[vo;uasrnvaqe;rnvasdfjlvn

Hi. Let's start off by removing any sense of privacy. We want to record your location data, and all this other crap.
[turn every thing off]
Downloading Apps without asking: Twitter. Candy Crush.
[Cancel] [Cancel]
Look, There's a slideshow of all your cringworthy art from 2006 playing in the Photo's live tile.
[Turn it offf!!!!]
For your convenience we're keeping track of what files you use frequently for quick accesss. So we've put all your nested hidden files in plain view to make it easier for anyone who might want to snoop around.
[omg, what--]
We decided to replace the the normal Video library with a different Video Folder that you had buried and hidden with all your other porn.
[nonononono, put that back where you found it! Where's my regular video library?]
Adding your Nsfw Art folder to quick access.
[STOP IT. I want peace of mind that I can let someone borrow my laptop without them getting an eyeful. Thanks. ]
I got a message yesterday saying I need to choose my update settings. Do I want to:

a. Download and install important updates automatically
b. Download and install important and suggested updates automatically

No other options.

Fuck you.
It looks like they got rid of User accounts. I had a Guest account set up. The folders are still there I can get to through the c: drive but it's not available through the log in screen. I read somewhere I have to enable it, but following the instructions I can't find the option to do so.
And to make a new user it wants you to make a microsoft account and signon with a mobile number or email address. No.

I guess in this day and age they expect everyone to have their own devices with always online internet access.
edit: Except for my volume buttons, none of the custom buttons next to the power button works. Wifi on/off, Eco mode, keyboard lighting. If I want to turn wifi off I have to change it to airplane mode.
Sounds like the awful experience I had when I first updated. These problems will persist for a couple of months before things finally settle.

I spent my first week pruning the system and turning off the privacy snooping, then it was technical bugs and weird OS glitches for the next 2 months until enough updates fixed it.
I'm reading Python Programming for absolute beginners (third edition) by Michael Dawson. It's actually pretty alright. I sure know a lot about strings now ;)

On another note, I got my bro and his gf into Twenty One Pilots, and now their music is all we hear in this house :D

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