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Post a Picture of Yourself - The Vastly Inferior Sequel!

So I went to the library today...





Awesome Bro

This is my unbrushed, unstraightened hair, on a low quality webcam (cropped too because you don't need to see other shit!) because my phone camera decided to fuck up lol...



I look so srs!


Awesome Bro

Why do I look so serious in my last picture?!


Think I'm going to have a ponder over why I looked so serious...


(This is my not so srs deep thought thinky face)
Ladies please control your urges.

No idea what a Marfan is, but I'll clarify that there's no extension to my arms outside of those granted by an angled camera. I'm not very tall, 5"4 at most. I think the way I took the shot makes it seem like I am much taller than I am.

My torso is short but my legs and arms are very long. I'm like Jack Skellington, though not quite as extreme. Also the lack of any muscle and next to no fat (I'm mildly underweight, 56 Kilos last I checked) makes my thin limbs look absurdly long.

Also, this shot isn't of me... but it is close to where I live (walking distance) and it's a prominent location in my most recently released game.

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