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Post a Picture of Yourself - The Vastly Inferior Sequel!

Mega Flare

Awesome Bro

Just me chilling with my bro jeff gordon
Is that on your chest? Pets tend to do that when they want to show dominance over a human. They're like "HA! I'VE PINNED YOU DOWN! NOW WHO'S THE BITCH!"
He likes has been sitting on my chest more recently, yes. XD Usually it's my leg or my lap, though. XD He beats on the door while I'm writing in the office as well, and then he sits on the back of the chair. So weird!
I won't let him out. I'm afraid of him getting hit. :(

I've had him since he was a kitten in 2007. When I rode with Star for 14 hours to move with him, Squeakers was in the back mewing the whole time. Poor kitty. :(
Aww, actually I think it's more common for cats to be house cats in america. I guess you just have a lot more inconsiderate drivers there. :/

Oh snap, it's a current picture.

I am attempting to be a redhead now; unfortunately I made the mistake of letting my roommate help the last time I needed to put goop in my hair.


Some guy that did RMXP before


Got a new haircut. Liked it, but i looked a bit shitty. So i applied some "photoshop plastic surgery" lol.


SHIT. :sad:
So went shopping today and now just feel generally awesome!

Here are the things I got:

I'm uploading from my phone so I don't know how big the pics will be but if they're too big I'll resize when I can


Awesome Bro


... This was me on Saturday night at a party, not sure what time at since I can't remember it being taken, I was just tagged in it on Facebook by my mate... she has a REALLY shit phone camera!

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