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Possible MMO

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Oh, my bad! I'm an unwashed peasant, who's only exposure to Monty Python was the Flesh Wound meme...

Will they comment on being related, or something? It sounds cool. You've got me reminiscing over the good ol' days of GW1...
Partially unexpected problem...

You sign in with your Google, Facebook, whatever account. That system, which I cannot modify because it is basically an API used in everything, creates a username of the form forename.surname.9182

Now, for GDPR reasons (and also cleanliness), I can't just be throwing out peoples' real names all over the place.

In the above chara creation, you choose a Forename and Surname for your character.

Means I am going to have to edit the forums, chat, etc, to use this created name rather than your user name.

Which throws up a problem. Your name is a "custom profile field", technically. Which is stored in a separate table to your username, because of how PHPBB does things.

Which means any time you draw from the user table you'll have to also draw from the profile fields table. Which is annoying because now I have to edit SQL and I hate editing SQL, not for lack of ability, I just don't trust my fingers &^&^W%^"%£

Anyway, small shit, I just felt like sharing the trials and tribulations of Amy Pond.


So yeah today will be mostly spent editing various (and by various I mean dozens) of scripts to use your created name rather than your username.

Because instead of having one function called get_name, which I have, they instead call it from the table in every function it is used.

I HATE editing other peoples' scripts.

But, like, I wouldn't want to have to work with the registration API myself for example, so the tradeoff is worth it.

Anyway, don't expect any pretties today.
Since I had to edit all the files to work on username/name thing, I've made some progress skinning the in-game forums.


Will make "my guild" dynamic so it will show your guild's name.
Current thinking on how private guild forums will work:

When you post, your title is appended with your guild ID, for example:

10283|Title of Thread

That way there is ONE forum of guild posts rather than an unlimited number.

You can only view posts appended with your guild's ID, and you can do basic moderation - delete basically.

That way I can moderate the guild forums by simply making all mods able to see all appended threads.

Users don't see the appended title, they just see "Title of Thread".

Will make sense once implemented.

Basically it's how I did private game forums here, if anyone's used the game manager and blogs etc.
So a little update on name selection which is becoming a bigger task than I thought (but that's good).


So when you click a name box, if it's the default it wipes it for you to type in.

As you are typing the game:

  • Strips any non-alpha characters (seperately validated post-submission)
  • Automatically formats to be lower case with first letter capitalised
  • Checks the database to see if that name combination has been taken, and gives you an error if so

So I'm almost at the point where I can consider this "a game" and start actually creating content.

If you enter a name that's in use you get the error shown in the previous post.

You can cycle through various combinations of character looks.

If you enter a used name, the play button disappears.

Once you click play game, it finalises your character and you're immediately playing: while you're creating your character it's already loading the visual equipment elements so your character displays.
Thanks :)

Finished today's goals!


The only non-working bit is Thwack, which is an elite (8th) skill. That is generated based on the previous seven skills you choose, which also gives you your "class". I can't really implement that until there are more than eight skills, otherwise every class would be the same, so I'm blanking that out for now and considering that a project for much later on.

Tomorrow's goals: inventory and equipment scenes (which might actually just be the one scene, thinking about it - difference just being equip instead of use).
Sketch (mockup) of tomorrow's job, the inventory screen.


I am thinking of limiting people to 30 of each item, possibly with a bank like RuneScape for big hauls? Not sure on that.

Encourages people to sell stuff.

Anyway. When you "use" a piece of equipment you wear it. So, I need somewhere on this scene to show what items you are wearing. I guess that could go where the skill bar is?

Idea behind ancient tomes is that for the build system you need a LOT of skills to make it work. So to get people hella skills you could get these books from quests and such.

Also what do you think to these icons? (Because I need to buy them with fundz)
Aaaah, the smell of fresh UI in the morning. :D

The icons look nice, and could work quite well with the rest of the UI you already have.

30 items tops? In total?

Using the skill bar for the equipment instead sounds like a good idea to me!
30 of each item. So not the usual limiting the inventory to 28 like Runescape, rather, you can have 30 logs AND 30 ore AND 30 swords etc.

So you have to keep banking to build up a stock, but you're able to do multiple things at once to break up the monotony.

Here's my progress on the inventory screen, which is proving more work than I envisaged.


So this is mostly working. The only things left to do are:

- Use item button
- Equipment box

I am going to swap out the spells as discussed, like so:


However I am breaking for the night here because I need to decide if I am truly happy limiting the player to three equipment slots.

Left hand, right hand, body.

I realise in my descriptions I have made the player left handed. While I'm cool with that I might edit it to instead say "main hand" and "off hand".

So basically in essence the player can have some clothes/armour, a weapon, and a shield/book/etc.

My reasoning:

1. I hate outfits made of the best items but that look terrible
2. Keeps the focus on skills rather than items, which gives me more time to work on skills, leading to the build/class system working better
3. Limits the amount of items in the game which when small could boost the economy a bit

But as I say I need to decide if this is really the way to go.
Next week's tasks:

- finish inventory
- add gold
- system: shops
- content: first items and shop
- centre the player (move up a little)
- chat push messages
- npc messages (done, but fine tune and test)
- system: merchant skills
- content: big chunk of spells
- system: builds (make a start)
Ah they stack. So the inventory is purely type-limited, with no direct limit on 'slots'? It sounds different for sure, but a refreshing change.

The equipment slots definitely look nice. I feel the whole 3-limit thing is part of a much bigger picture though... how close does gear tie into progression (is progression more vertical or horizontal)? Does the different types of gear provide a variation of gameplay themselves, or are they just stat sticks, maybe used for requirements for some skill use?

I know I personally prefer horizontal progression, as it allows for more 'jank' and is less linear. But I've discussed progression in MMOs a lot with the people I've been guilds with etc over the years. And from my little sample pool, is definitely skewed in favour of vertical progression. People seem to just like bigger numbers and easy milestones.
Inventory is done, next step is to set up some basic items to test test and test with.

Which leads me to make some actual content.

I bought some icons I can use:


Have 478 I can use, and they're gonna be pretty maleable to I can make/edit my own later.


Background is of my choice. The black and red seem pretty dark, need to decide what to use there.
Oh they got transparent backgrounds? That's good.

Do you have distinct tiers of gear or qualities? Could colour-code the background for that. Or failing that, maybe for what type it is? Red for melee, etc.

Not currently a fan of the current background though; just a round gradient in the middle. The ones in the mockup had more of a 'glow' of the colour around the object, which looked nicer.

These icons also remind me of the icons used on Newground's forum.The old ones had a 'coloured sunshine beams' thing going on, while the newer ones have more of a smokey/ghostly background.

Just some ideas. :)
Yeah I was hastily trying to replicate the old backgrounds but didn't realise it's just a glow. Easily done.

They're also super high resolution so I can use them in many places. Very versatile stuff. Loving GameDevMarket at the minute (though my wallet isn't).

Quick dirty video of what's done so far.

They look pretty spaced out, so you could probably reduces the frame size. Unless you want some kind of universal frame size that includes non-human sprites. But I think that's too much.
Unless changing weapons mid battle is a thing I think all those weapon poses make it bloated.
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