Ooh...I just noticed something on Serebii.net...
It's info from the official site, but it's not confirmed...
The starters might be Fighting/Dark/Psychic instead of Grass/Fire/Water.
The Shinou region might have an underground world.
Roselia might have an evolution.
Attacks might be physical or special based on the actual attack. Instead of being determined by type, it's determined on what happens. You know how some attacks can make you be effected by powers like Static? That means that they are physical, and those that wouldn't get paralyzed by Static are Special...or something. This would make Hyper Beam special and Thunder Punch physical, for example.
That last part seems really interesting...but I fear for Sceptile. It's trademark move Leaf Blade, will be inferior. It wouldn't be able to use other useful moves like Dragon Claw or Thunder Punch as well either...
Also...if that stuff is true, then most Pokémon that use Earthquake will be wasting there time. It would probably count as a special attack. Pokémon like Rhydon and Golem won't be able to use Earthquake as well...