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New Mode7 script / Neo Mode 7 script

Comepared to the original, no lag what so ever, and very awesome looking. (i love the lock on character camera feature!) It works very well, and many useful features.
WOW, that's a helluva nice. I only have two questions about map naming, 'cause it seems like you have to put in a lot in order to get an interesting effect. So, to have Mode7 on at a certain degree, x and y map looping, animated auto tiles, and center the map on the hero, what would that look like?

Also, would those special codes show up if the map name was called? Like in a CMS or something?
I have a suggestion. I think map settings should be in the script because there are some other scripts that look at the name. Also the map names are useful for HUDs.

Something like:

Maps = []

Maps[1] = ['','','','']
Maps[2] = ['','','','']

1 and 2 are map IDs



Hmm... if the "standing up" objects have to be on the third layer that means packing trees together will be impossible. (Unless you created a packed together set in the tileset.)

But nice job! Alot better than the original, it was annoying that it rewrote basically everything- like how many frames in an autotile. x.x asdfjkl;
This is really interesting. I was trying to create an event system that did the same thing, just use a constant walking animation and change the background picture by variables, to make it appear like you are walking towards stuff. This script is amazing. The makings of 3D to RMXP. Good job.
Tested it with this...
Show Map Name Script
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... SCRIPT.PNG[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/FORUMS.PNG[/IMG]
by lambchop (05-26-2006)
A simple script that shows you how to have the name of your map appear on screen while you walk around.​
Her system requires you to actively edit the default scripts, but it does work and only shows the map name properly... no codes.
I rewrote the definition of maps names (at the end of my script)

class RPG::MapInfo
  def name
    return @name.gsub(/\[.*\]/) {""}
  def name2
    return @name

Thus "name2" is the name with codes, and "name" is that name without anything within brackets.
So there is no trouble when the name is displayed.
I have an inkling that this topic shall stay at the top of the list for a few weeks... It's surprising that all of these posts have been today, 37 (and me being 38th) is quite an achievement in itself.

Going away to test *chuckles mischievously*. Looks great.
There is a new version to obtain more freedom for the vertical elements.
I am not sure that this version is not bug-filled, so I do not remove the first version.

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