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New Mode7 script / Neo Mode 7 script

Neo Mode7 script

There are currently less options than in the New Mode7 script below, but it comes now with a map rotation feature, and it supports bigger maps.
You can find instructions at the beginning of the script.



New Mode7 script

EDIT 02/05/07 : new version
EDIT 03/05/07 :"$game_system.reset" corrected
EDIT 05/05/07 : English version (variables with English names, and a few comments). Old versions removed.
EDIT 06/05/07 : ZTBS compatibility script updated for Mac's version. Removed bug with autotiles in Mode7 script.
EDIT 07/05/07 : Bug with vertical tiles removed.
EDIT 21/05/07 : Flat-drawn events support, and some other small features.
EDIT 24/03/08 : Fixed a bug with animated tiles.
EDIT 15/04/08 : Switch added to disable mode 7, some bugs fixed (player transfered on a new map, redraw with mode7_set_p(new_angle) function)
EDIT 24/04/08 : Fixed a bug when transferring to a mode7 map


This new mode7 script is written from an old french script I created, and it is far different from Mewsterus's Mode07 script.

  • flat maps (not curved)
  • high resolution (each screen line is independent)
  • map looping (x or/and y)
  • animated autotiles
  • (new version) Tiles with fixed terrain_tag not drawn flat with the map


new (24/04/08) :

old (24/03/08) :

Script (new English version)

The script appeared to be too long to be placed here, and was cut.
That's why it can be found in three parts, page 6.
W00t! First post!
Looks amazing. But Mewsterus's one lagged loads, this one looks better, but does it lag as much? It's features read good. I will test when I get home.
lol I found your script on rpg creative yesterday.:p
I didn't have time to test it but it seems great! The only important missing thing is the map rotation but I don't blame you for this, what you have done so far is already amazing. ;)

Good work.:thumb:
It looks squeezed because the earth is round but the horizon is flat.
Is there an option to not have a horizon and have the tileset continue up the screen?



Wow great job, i was expecting this to be bug filled, but its not! Very clean coding and nicely set out, two thumbs up here.
Dunno about that, but this fella gets a cheer from me.

Works with my 8-directional script... but better yet, it works with fukuyama's caterpillar script as well. No faults with the two. No suddenly disappearing party members. :D

Well... save for the Overworld Sprite Resize [OV] system... only the first in the party would get resized with those I mentioned. But, HEY! That's the only system that neither of those two scripts account for! It's understandable. :D Still a fantastic work.
Im very Amazed i remember myself trying to use one similar script i took from inquisitor, but it wasnt very good, this is AWESOME! and the stuff u put on map name doesnt appear on my map ID how do u do that?

perfect, im using it now

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