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missingno's Xbox360 Fund!

COLEGE":1nz214co said:
dude buy your 360 on craigslist, you can probably get the full starter kit (xbox premium with the hard drive) and a couple games for 200-250 instead of paying 250 for the stupid fucking core system

either way i dont have the money so this topic is still valid

but i will search craigslist!!
yeah craigslist isn't showing me anything that's much less than the store, they're all asking for $250-$300 anyway and bundled with like NBA2K8 AND GRANDTHEFT AUTO which are games i dont give a shit about



This story about abuse of power is mere bullshit.

Same here trough, i'm saving money for a fucking 360 right now. My birthday is October the 5th. Fuck it, i wanna a 360 rite nao.



you know Despain looks a little like Stephen King.

he doesn't have Steve's trowel-jaw (not quite, anyway) but the eyes are very similar.

might just be the expression though

or maybe I'm hallucinating and seeing him everywhere.
missingno":1yoo9w64 said:
ixis":1yoo9w64 said:
Don't know if this has been discussed, but I believe you will need the Xbox 360 with the higher HD space for XNA.


how much more is that

Well, the "elite" model is ~$400 and it has a 120Gig HD. Of course you could also buy extra HD space. The 120 gig HD is like, $120, so probably not worth it. But a 20 gig is $100 on Newegg so... Probably should go with the 120 gig if you wanna buy the less expensive unit now and swap out the HD at a later date when you have more money say. In the end though you're paying $120 more by not buying the elite. Then again I think the size limit for XNA games is 150 megs so, it's up to you.

Basically you want the bigger model to hold all of those games. Right now I have a basic 360 with save data from just about every RPG released on the damn thing, AND music (Rock Band DLC + MP3s), AND pictures AND lots of downloaded games and I have to make space on the damn thing every so often.

Though, I just double-checked just to be sure and it turns out you don't need the bigger model to use XNA, but I'll be getting the extra HD space because I plan on making my own games and I want the space to test out uncompressed game stuff.
ixis":229tronm said:
missingno":229tronm said:
ixis":229tronm said:
Don't know if this has been discussed, but I believe you will need the Xbox 360 with the higher HD space for XNA.


how much more is that

Well, the "elite" model is ~$400 and it has a 120Gig HD. Of course you could also buy extra HD space. The 120 gig HD is like, $120, so probably not worth it. But a 20 gig is $100 on Newegg so... Probably should go with the 120 gig if you wanna buy the less expensive unit now and swap out the HD at a later date when you have more money say. In the end though you're paying $120 more by not buying the elite. Then again I think the size limit for XNA games is 150 megs so, it's up to you.

Basically you want the bigger model to hold all of those games. Right now I have a basic 360 with save data from just about every RPG released on the damn thing, AND music (Rock Band DLC + MP3s), AND pictures AND lots of downloaded games and I have to make space on the damn thing every so often.

Though, I just double-checked just to be sure and it turns out you don't need the bigger model to use XNA, but I'll be getting the extra HD space because I plan on making my own games and I want the space to test out uncompressed game stuff.

Well I doubt I'd have too much saved stuff on it. I only really plan to get Banjo-Kazooie and Braid and then XNA.
The Great Terror":34ad1eb6 said:
btw stillzero what is a "good" list, and what does it have to do with your ass?  I'm confused.

Ask your friend Des he's the one who said "good" list... About my ass, I just used an expression you americans love so much. A literary genius such as you should be able to know the expression... Why are you so interested in other men's asses anyway?
"Good" list is an American expression?  Please tell me more I am foreign and wish to know, so I fit in better.  Do Americans stick lists up their asses?  That is very strange.
The Great Terror":1ik8a1zd said:
"Good" list is an American expression?  Please tell me more I am foreign and wish to know, so I fit in better.  Do Americans stick lists up their asses?  That is very strange.

Man, you still didn't get it? Where are your awesome literary capabilities?!

"(something) my ass" : american expression
"good" list: read the first post again.

btw, if you use an instant pay PTC site, like, for example, neobux, and everyone is your referral, missigno, you can get about 20 cents per member. Inform yourself on PTC sites and see how they work, you'll understand what I'm talking about.
No I didn't because your English sucks and you are too stupid to see I'm baiting you into feeling superior.  The fact is based on the context Despain made I.E. donate and you will be on my good list, as in good with me, as in we would be pals, as in friendly to one another, as in I (Despain) would be thankful, as in good feelings will be had between us, as in do you fucking get it yet, was pretty self explanatory.

However your phrase, "Your "good" list my ass." makes little sense.  Do you believe Despain won't be thankful toward people donating to his XBox fund?  Or did you in your shitty broken English rage simply misinterpret the meaning of good list and decided to pair it with this common American expression, which honestly is hardly common in usage.  Well perhaps common to foreign speakers that lack vocabulary to express displeasure. 

Also what is the obsession with literary genius?  Is it genius to point out that a forum that lists in its description, "Funny stuff goes here," probably shouldn't be taken seriously?  I think your standards for genius is low, if that is the case.  Would that bit of common sense be the mark of revolutionary genius in your parts?
Well, I don't want to keep this shit argument going on and on, but if you're so smart, even baiting people into feeling superior, you should have realised that I'm being ironic when I call you a genius.

Of course I understood what he meant by good list, it couldn't have any other possible meaning anyway. I said your good list my ass because I would never pay to be on his goodlist, and I find the idea ridiculous. I could "express my displeasure" in many ways, and I chose one. I don't care if it's hardly used.

About the literary genius, it was a small provocation to the way you write, which makes it seem like you are acting very smart and superior. But you can keep it if you want, I don't give a fuck, just don't say everyone else is a dumbass. You're an admin, you shouldn't insult the users in general, as you did.

Any way, you obviously weren't baiting me into feeling superior, that's a very stupid excuse.

The forum can be funny, but I don't think this "donation for one guy to buy an Xbox" idea is very nice or would be well accepted in most forums. Do whatever you want, though, it's your forum. Just expressing my opinion.

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