Truthfully, I've been feeling some of the same things as AB. I've been doing an underwhelming job as a mod for a while now, thank goodness we've got some new ones. I don't plan on packing my metaphorical bags and leaving either, but things have changed. For whatever reason, this place has just lost some of the magic it once had. I'm not blaming anyone in particular, it's just what I've been feeling. I've gotten a lot of validation and pride from my involvement in this community, and made a handful of friends who I feel deeply for. Still, though I think both AB and I aren't quite the men-about-town we once were, we're still keeping MotW here for all of you to enjoy. Arc V is in production, and coming out nicely. Till then, keep discussing/speculating/asking whatever you like. One of us will always respond in a timely fashion.